VOR 1 and VOR 2 OBS displays not switching to GPS mode when CDI button pushes GPS mode on 530

Used to work and know how it works in the real world but GNS530 no longer will have the OBS indicators say GPS after I push the CDI button for GPS. The OBS displays show VLOC only. Am I doing something wrong? (see picture)

Also notice that I tried setting both VOR 1 and VOR 2 to a VOR to get off localizer frequencies…still does the same

On a side note, both the 530 and 430 act as Com1…I cannot get the 430 to work as Com2 as it just displays the same info from Com1. I can monitor Com2 by setting it with my Saitek radio panel and it works like com2 but doesn’t display Com2 on the 430…any help appreciated…it’s been doing that forever

Hi @EricFlightUS
I can’t speak to the Saitek panel as I don’t use one. But I was testing these standard panels earlier today for an issue someone else was having, and both nav units and CDIs were working fine in a non-modded sim.
My inclination is that there’s either a misconfiguration or conflict with assignments related to the nav units/CDIs. Possibly with the Saitek and/or other controllers.
For what it’s worth.

Use SPAD here so I just updated with a newer online snippet. We’ll see what happens

I had the same problem with the CDI button on the GPS last night. It would not switch to GPS on the OBS on either Nav 1 or Nav 2. This was with no modifications to the gns530. It did intercept an RNAV approach with autopilot but in no way did it indicate GPS on the OBS gauges and the CDI button on the GNS530 would not activate VLOC or GPS.

I didn’t ask, but any chance this is on the float version?? There seems to be a valid bug on the float version! All my testing is on the wheeled version.

No. This is on the 172 classic steam gauge

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You might want to check out this thread, too. Apparently some various glitches with these aircraft/panels.
A little wider problem than it first appeared.

Seems to be the gns530 mod (however it did do it once wihout the mod installed as well). I have that deactivated for now but will see if it goes back to non-usable at any time so this is NOT a solution yet

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The CDI button was verified by the gns530 mod. They said they would fix it with the next release…Microsoft changed the way the CDI button was activated in SU10…still not a total solution until proven

Funny you should mention this because I’ve had similar experiences. Sometimes it works with the mod, sometimes it doesn’t. What appears certain is that in the other classic variants, amphib, skis, the cdi button doesn’t work under any circumstances.

It’s also livery dependent. Could not get cdi button functionality when using TP liveries containing a custom panel file. This was not an issue prior to SU10.

They just released an update to the mod so trying it now. Will let you know.


Worked fine in the Just Flight Piper Warrior. Seems to be something wrong still with the OBS in the 172 Classic steam gauge as it only stays on GPS even if switching VLOC and GPS on the GNS530 (which works…just not the OBS indicator)