

I’m flying the 152 (either of them). I have the cdi set to VLOC, and I put in the Nav Frequency for the VOR I want. When I do that, the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) should light up and the needles should move. In my case, the CDI doesn’t change, it doesn’t “turn on” to the frequency. If you put in the WRONG frequency, you get the same behavior. I am using VORs near Savannah GA. When I try the VOR near Ketchikan at PANT, it works fine.

It was working fine until I updated the 152 two days ago, then this started. Any ideas? /Doug

You may want to lookup and ensure that VOR hasn’t been decommissioned.

Can you provide the VOR name ?

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As suggested it could be a non valid frequency you are using or perhaps you are out of range. More information needed.

I just tuned SAV VOR on 115.95 and Hunter VOR on 111.60. Both worked as expected. Did you press the white switch to move the frequency from STBY to Active (USE)? Do you have any mods for the 152?

SAV VOR on 115.95 and Hunter VOR on 111.60

Yes, I’m hitting the little white switch (that goes from Standby to online freq). I was on the ground, it seems to hit those VORs I have to be airborne, once I got up to 1000 feet, SAV 115.95 kicked in like it should. That was the problem.

Thank you everyone for the inputs, much appreciated!



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