Was doing a round trip between KPVD and KACK in a sixpack skyhawk (Using dual logitech radio panels). On the way out, I had no problem tuning in Nantucket’s VOR miles out. After a quick pause (via an engine shutdown, trying to figure how to refuel on the island (which apparently there’s no option, shurg), I start the return trip back to T.F Green. Even though I swapped the active and standby on Nav 1, the Radial and Distance kept reflecting with respect to Nantucket’s VOR and not T.F Green’s
(IRL, it’s a nice flight, even with a 30 kt headwind on the way back)
Since you mention IRL flying I suppose you know this, but was the DME set to the coupled mode or to frequency mode?
Sometimes I find that the coupled to VOR mode doesn’t work in the sim so I have to switch to freq mode, which I may or may not forget to adjust
I don’t think the analog c172 has DME does it. So where is that info coming from.
What radials were you flying out and back?
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IRL, I didn’t actually use the DME, rather just the heading information (tied into the bendix king unit).
I think you’re right on the Sixpack Skyhawk model. I was using the 146 victor route (at a lower altitude between 3,500 and 4,500
I’m wondering if the model took some liberties and added this “feature”
for ref the lower two displays are set on Nav1 and DME (respectfully) with KPVD set on active and KACK on standby.
Geographically I’m located over Buzzards Bays on a NNW heading (~330)
Edit, this might be broken.
From the head of ~330, Westport (MA) is about 7-8 NM, placing me within the green pushpins
The problem I see; From the center of the wedge, it’s a 25.46(NM) ∠ 127 (Radial) to PVD and 44.51(NM) ∠ 104 (Radial) to ACK
Somethings broken
I just flew this round trip flight in my C152. VOR worked perfectly, but this plane doesn’t have DME. 45 minute flights on each leg, going over Martha’s Vineyard. It was my first time flying in this area, good scenery throughout the flight.
I can’t make out what you have the obs set to which would help.
I also flew this and everything worked as expected.
This seems incorrect. From your reported position I estimate it would be ~ 140 radial to PVD and still tracking the 300 radial out of ACK. Note that the V146 changes course at Martha’s Vineyard.