VOR/LOC Embraer 170 not in approach


Is it possible on the Embraer 170 from Aerosoft to fly automatically to a VOR a make the plane capture itself the VOR and fly a select radial ?

When i select NAV, i see very quickly LOC on the FMA and it switches on ROLL mode

Thank you

The plane you are referencing is the FSS E170. It’s sold by Aerosoft and Contrail.
As in the real plane, NAV mode is physically incapable of tracking a VOR. Track manually with HDG mode.

You can get answers directly from the Developers by using their Discord server… Contact (flightsim-studio.com)


Thank you for the answer

The other E170 in MFS has the button LOC and is able to intercept and track a VOR with AP engaged


Thank you again !


Another question please,

When i load a procedure in the FMS (e.g. ILS 31 LFBP) the missed approach is not loaded and i can’t insert it following the last point (RW31)

Is it normal ? The module is not implemented yet ?

Thank you

The FMS is still the Asobo original default. The custom FMS when finished will resolve those issues. If you check out their Discord server their is a lot of discussion on the cFMS.