I’ve sent a navaid bug report to Zendesk about the PSO VOR, the navigational instruments are not tracking it although the frequency is correct and DME is showing distance.
But once submitted to Zendesk it automatically market it as SOLVED.
Any help?
For more info this is the NAVAID:
location: SKPS
PSO VOR Freq 113.4
coordinates: N1°23.88’ W77° 17.38’
I’ll see if I can replicate it.
This is Zendesk “talk”
Below you will find a short description of each status.
New: The bug report is in the queue and hasn’t been handled yet.
Open: You updated the bug report.
Awaiting your reply: Our team contacted you to request more information and is waiting for your reply.
Solved/Closed: The bug report has been handled and escalated to our internal bug tracker—Our QA team will then review the information and try to reproduce the issue thanks to the information you provided.
Yes as it says above.
Solved means their QA team will review the information and try to reproduce the issue with the information you provided.
It does not mean it has been fixed.
As you can see, VOR 1 in the first pic shows 113.40 to be behind me and slightly to the right…
As I banked on departure, the needle has moved to the right in the second pic.
So the instruments are definitely tracking the VOR.
Do you have any other addons in your Community folder?
If so, try it with an empty community folder.
I should have tried with the Bandierante, as I see you have that.
I’ll give it another try with that and see if there is a difference.
Couple of things
In the crj you are using magenta lines, try normal vor navigation
In the bandeirante your GPS should be in vloc not in GPS mode, then the needle in the HSI will go left or right according to your course showing on-course or deviation. You should be able to track radials…
The D930 is not picking up any VOR radial signal from PSO. It will correctly show the station identifier on the PFD, but will not pick up any radials. I actually picked up some VOR signals from quite far away while sitting on the ground (up to 121 miles… ), so the VOR receiver is working (although probably should not pick up a signal from that far away while on the ground!).
Here in the box marked It reads only PSO DME, I checked with the close-by MER VOR roughly 25 nm north and it says MER VOR., also the RMI is not working towards the Vor so it’s definitely something wrong…
It seems that PSO is only throwing DME signal but its not working as a VOR.
It’s definitely not putting out a VOR signal. I double checked worldwide nav aid database and it’s still shown as a VOR. So MS missed something and should be reported to Zendesk.
Now that could be the difference.
I use Navigraph nav data.
It may be another issue with Navblue’s database, which is what the sim uses.
They are notorious for that.
Quite good in Europe where they are located, not so good elsewhere.
I have navigraph but for personal reasons I was not using it, some procedures are missing and in some others the navblue database was better… installed the navigraph database and I can confirm with it, it works normal… therefore the problem is native from the default database…