VR and Reverb G2 Launch


And thank you for the help.

No need to apologise. I’m simply trying to make sure you beta testers don’t get yourselves into trouble.

I remember back in the 90s after having seen the Lawnmower Man I thought VR was just around the corner, with VR gloves and all that. Seems it took a bit longer. :sweat_smile:

I also resubmitted with the hp reverb connected and reached out to help desk via email, so I’m hoping I can get in still :frowning:

You have the “VR Beta Participant” tag under your name so you must already be in :+1:

I remember trying that! It took me way too long to realise I could look down and when I did a side was attacking my feet. :laughing:

I just did a little happy dance lol


Can’t wait to test it out in VR.

Yeh, similar here. Got the invite to VR Beta Test, followed the instructions but still no access. Did try contacting Zendesk… but just got told it was on a roll-out I had to wait until I was Greenlit - quite why I’m still waiting I do not know, I have a WMR headset should should really be in the first wave. :frowning:

Ask Jayne Ivana (Jummivana), the Community Manager. She was so kind to add me after I asked her.

@Blitzer303 - Have you reached out to Jummivana yet? If not please send me a PM.

Yes I have done thank you. :slight_smile:

Yes - have done so after I read further in this thread and saw that was the recommended path to take. Thank you.


I’ve done that and still no VR access or VR forum access, I accepted the T&C over a week ago.
Nobody is replying to me or letting me know what is going on.

Hi @StupidOldMan934.

You probably wouldn’t get much traction on this over the weekend, I will be chasing this issue later today.


Your gamertag was added to our list this morning to unblock manually. Will be done soon. Thanks!


I’m so jealous of you guys :grin: VR is all I’ve been waiting for! Especially if those volumetric clouds are also supported inside VR.

Can’t wait until access for none WMR headset starts to roll out… :+1:t2:


Same here! Accepted, but still no vr beta forum visible or VR access. I’m using the Reverb G1

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DM me and I can help! :slight_smile:

As the hp reverb g2 is still in a “thing that maybe might come at some point” state I am not in a hurry yet.

I think the completely unexpected delay in the reverb g2 delivery gives MS/ASOBO some welcome extra time to finetune the VR mode to give us all the best possible experience on release.

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