Just coming off a VR bender, I’d like to drop a note of thanks to Asobo and the beta testers who helped get VR into the shape it is now.
I have only limited experience with VR, having bought a Samsung Odyssey+ only about a month ago. I’m not actually sure if my expectations were too high or too low; I see other threads talking about how other titles run better for people, and my first few VR experiences (the Windows Mixed Reality Portal, a few freebie games, x-plane – Universe Sandbox in VR is awesome!) certainly were much smoother, my MSFS VR experience yesterday didn’t surprise me – substantially improved visual fidelity with a corresponding performance hit. I’m also lucky that my kit “just worked.” I see lots of particular quirks with different headsets. It reminds me of the early days of discreet graphics cards, which were plagued with all kinds of issues to make them work reliably.
Lots of setting tweaking and I think I’ve found a good balance on my current hardware (i7-9700, 32GB ram, RTX 2070). I’m waiting for new-gen Ryzen and Nvidia parts to actually be available and will slow build a new rig, but it’s clear I’m not going to double my FPS. If they give me some more headroom I may grab a G2 (assuming those are available) – I enjoy the airliners, and my middle-aged eyes could use the help.
Given the obvious fidelity advances MSFS has made over previous sims, it isn’t surprising that the current implementation is straining current-gen hardware. MSFS is likely to be around for a long time, and in the years that come better hardware (and better optimization – not to open that can of forum worms!) will continue to improve on what is already a solid foundation.
Most importantly, I am definitely enjoying VR MSFS; VR canyon carving in the Extra yesterday was absolutely epic!
I have the RTX 2070 super and an i7-1075H with 16Gb ram. Would you care to share the VR settings that work for you? it would be interesting to compare notes. Now I’ve fixed some weird visual quirks my MSFS VR is doing well, very enjoyable, but I feel sure it can improve. My VR main settings are RS 120, TLD 120, OLD 45, TXT RS Low, Anti-alias FXAA, cheers.
Ummm sir, I think you misread the title of this thread. There are plenty of other posts you can vent your frustrations on. No need to pollute this space for people who want to send their appreciation to Asobo.
That being said, THANK YOU Asobo, I spent more time in the sim yesterday than any other single day since I got in the Beta. My mind was being blown all over again. Truly wonderful work for an initial release.
Don’t worry I have already flagged your posts to the “post police” (mods) of the forum.
Back to the OP’s topic, I am in awe at how amazing the sim looks in VR, I do have to say that the visual quality of the world leaves a bit to be desired in the Quest 2, but the immersion makes up for it. I am now thinking about buying a G2 once I update my PC in 2022 (if humans are still around that is)
I picked up this topic to express my entire satisfaction of the VR implementation. I launched it yesterday right after the update, and after a game reboot due to the fact I had not configured the necessary key (my fault), I could experiment the “waow effect” of FS2020 VR on my Lenovo Explorer… just great !
Thank you Asobo and Microsoft for this great success
There probably will be a better headset by that time . I’m having quite a sharp picture in my Quest 2 though, did you set your resolution correctly in the PC Link settings, you can even raise it above native for an even sharper picture. Did you also set the render scale to 100 in MSFS?
the cockpits are absolutely stunning in VR! what a love for the details, even little scratches on the screws, and in the PITTS, you clearly see fingerprints on the canopy. <3
You know what, fair enough. My initial response was of anger due to years of frustration from updates breaking features or just the net loss of time incurred in life from this.
And apologists just enable it. It’s irrelevant who is busier, time is precious is a time honored saying because not everyone knows this from experience and these days, less respect it.
My emotional outburst was human, it may have lacked decorum, but it was honest.
Oh, deleting the Rolling Cache and recreating it, MAY fix the problem, I haven’t fully tested it yet.
I think the main difference in this VR version of MSFS compared to XPL is that the lighting, and hence the atmosphere, is much better bringing terrain particularly into sharper relief. Being able to actually see terrain humps and hollows with good lighting is a revelation after my years in XPL.
You know what? It might be because I am using it in remote and the bitrate of virtual desktop can’t keep up.
I also had render scale set to 80 so that all might add up, I will have to check again once I’m back home on the 7th!
Does it look good in your Quest 2? can you see the a320’s instruments just fine? My main issue was with the landscape, the world looked like in 480-720p, probably the fault of the internet
I can say for sure that VR can be quite a bit better than what we’re seeing right now in MSFS… but with that said, this is a surprisingly good start; we’re about where X-Plane was on their first day of VR.
Also, a special thanks to Asobo and/or Microsoft for the change of heart regarding the exclusive VR launch. I was fully prepared to see only a handful of people affected by this launch, while the rest of us sit back and wait.
That could indeed be the case, I can read most of the 2 PFD’s in front easily, only text like the QNH value is too small and the text in the top-left of the 2nd PFD. The engine values on the 3rd display are also quite easy to read.
The landscape itself looks quite alright for me, but I was used to an Oculus CV1 in X-plane, so I was used to much worse image quality.
Given how easy it is to switch settings without restarting MSFS, I will use a high WMR scaling (150-200%) and low TAA (50%) when sightseeing in a piston single, and 100% TAA and 50% WMR in airliners so the text is clearer. I continue to play with the other settings depending on what I’m up to. Clouds hit FPS hard, but are very pretty (as we all know). This: VR Bang-For-Buck Performance Guide - Virtual Reality (VR) / Hardware & Performance - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums gives a nice break down of the general impact of the various other settings. Not all of which I experience to the same degree as he does. WMR and TAA settings for me have by far the biggest impact on performance and quality.
The same concepts are applicable to SteamVR, but I had noticeably worse performance when I tried it; it seems there are some known issues with current NVidia drivers and latest SteamVR client. Others are reporting better luck. It’s quite a moving target!
I’ve tried the VR MODE on a oculus Rift s, and I have to say. Apart from a few starts, and not able to get the VR camera refocus working, in the end, I started it in pancake mode, mapped a few mouse keys and buttons to the VR interface, reloaded it, and was blown away. I’d read from some people it ran really roughly, but I have to say, for me. It’s pretty smooth going. I’m really impressed. I’d like to say thanks for the offering. I run on a non Overclocked i9 CPU ( 9900k0, standard speed RTX 2080 ti, 3800 MHZ Gskill 32 GB DDR4, AORUS motherboard with z390 chipset, 2TB NVME pcie hdd, 3tb secondary raid zero ssd,s , 1000 watt corsair psu, Oculus rift s and three IPS monitors, it really does run well, better than what I feared in some reviews. So many keys to press, I use Voice Attack for some controls in VR.
How do you gauge cockpit readability with the Odyssey+?
I currently have an HTC Vive, but got all my upgrades for VR now - Ryzen 5800X and RTX 3080. The biggest issue with the Vive is bad readability.
I’m not sure if the Reverb G2 is worth the price right now, considering the generally poor state of how the game performs in VR, but it’s my ultimate goal for VR Flight Sim.
Wondering how the Odyssey+ would stack up consider its screens are about twice the resolution of the Vive’s.
I might try to grab one for a good deal on the used market or something like that.