Vr Bug throttle changing using Icon A5

Here is the Answer I found this that was opposite to what I was getting


Nov '22

Let’s do a bit of a troubleshooting process. In your control options, create a brand-new profile that’s blank (nothing bound) for every single hardware that you have on the list and make sure they’re all assigned to have this blank profile active. This will make sure the sim doesn’t receive anything from the hardware.

Then for your throttle, with a blank profile, just bind throttle lever to the throttle axis. If you have a twin throttle lever, you assign the left one to Throttle 1 Axis, and the Right one to Throttle 2 Axis. Otherwise, if you only have a single throttle lever, just bind it to the Throttle Axis command.

Once you do, just test the lever by moving it. You should see the white bar moving. When you place the throttle in a certain position and lift your hands. Check to see if the white bar stays and doesn’t move. If it stays, then you’re good.

Now, you can start a flight with the aircraft of your choosing. Inside the cockpit, without doing anything, try to move your throttle lever and look in the cockpit. Does the throttle also move accordingly? Then same as before, place your throttle in a certain position, and watch the throttle inside the cockpit. If it stays, then you’re good to go.

If you’re already seeing the throttles drift the first time even after you completely done the whole process above, then the conclusion is your hardware issue, because we already eliminated any other potential possibilities.

If everything is all good, all you need to do is to manually bind the other controls one by one. This is the only way to “make sure” that you don’t have conflicting blinds. Because to be honest, as humans it’s easy for us to miss something. Where we can be sure that there’s no conflict, in reality, there could be a conflict somewhere that we missed. So doing the troubleshooting steps above is a more scientific approach to find an issue and resolve the problem through the process of elimination.

So I looked at my x52 pro throttle control and it was set at full

OK so let’s disconnect the USB x52 throttle and x52 flight controller joystick and try again just leaving the Keyboard and Mouse controls. All is now working I can fly and adjust the Throttle in VR land, so it looks like the x52 flight controllers is overriding the VR controls after 10 - 30 odd seconds. Well ill just disconnect them for now, but I will see if I can set up like advised above x52 with nothing bound to the x52

Update 1
In the control options menu I deleted all the profiles and left everything at default. I set the x52 to 50% throttle and set VR to on selected the Icon a5 and took off so in x52 in default the same happens after 10-30 seconds the throttle now went to 50% so the x52 is overriding the VR setting, Ill now try a new profile for the x52 with nothing in

Update 2
Well all is now good
I have made a new profile for the x52 with nothing bound at all
I called it x52 VR
The Keyboard, Mouse and Pad that i have connected to the PC are all set to default
The VR left and right are now showing once VR mode is enabled and is set to default