I have written a document with my settings to fly with VR for Flight Simulator after SU5. If you want to fly without stuttering with ULTRA settings read this article and follow all instructions step by step.
Updated! (03-oct-2021)
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trying this but I get an error while running the bat file.
The system cannot find the file shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App.
I have the steam version …
Yes, the .bat is written for the MS-Store version. You have to change that line to adapt it to Steam Version. Locate your FlightSimulator.exe and write it in the same line.
Just tried and I got a lot of stutters. Am on 2600 super ventus OC.
Are you sure that the Oculus client have been loaded properly by the .bat?
It’s necessary because the bat apply the changes to the FOV % and the ASW.
yes cause if I launch the debugger tool it shows me the settings I have in the bat file.
Will do some more tests tomorrow.
I had it working but not on ultra and render was between 95 and 100 but still not perfect especially in airports
No, the main setting is the Render Scaling. Set it to 60, only 60. It’s the essential of this method.
didn’t your mother ever teach you not to download strange files off the internet?
Jejeje. It’s a .zip with two pdf files. If you don’t like the bat, you can create it yourself because I include the content into the pdf.
How bout an explanation of what the settings are?
I was on 60 render scale when I tried
Check that your bat is working properly and it is using the file: parametros_fs.txt
Supersampling 1.7
ASW 30hz
FOV 0.8 0.8
If you have applied all that parameters and you have stuttering yet then decrease quality settings because your system can’t move it. Decrease one level to all settings to try.
Only 60 render scale?. It must be very blurry Everutjing
No, because it’s compensated with a SuperSampling of 1.7
Try it.
At the moment I’m using steam vr + virtual desktop set to ultra rtx 3080 + brightness reduce to 80%. Almost all settings ultra or high and about 22-35 fps over NYC with cloud.
So you using cable or air link?.
And can you tell your step by step what turn on first?
Headset or game.
Oculus quest 2
Rift S.
If you use Quest 2, use cable.
Do not use SteamVR. It’s slower than Oculus driver.
Follow the pdf in the same order.
But if you have bought FS from Steam you would have to change the line that start FS into the .bat
I bought from Ms. Will check later and back with my experience result.
Thank you
I checked your suggested settings and must say it are not too bad.
Unfortunately, I absolutely don’t understand sense to use ASW. On my spec always works much smooth when it’s OFF.
Also, with your settings 1.7 scale, I have only about 20-23 frame on NYC with scattered cloud.
I reduce to 1.6 and Volumetric cloud to HIGH, and I’m happy with frame rate.
Only one BIG problem, not allowing me to play using openxr and cable. So…
Hard to explain for my bad English, but I have on bottom 1/4 of screen (VR Quest 2) horizontal line coloured pink.
Any of you know why and how to eliminate this problem ?