VR in 2024 is an absolute mess (review...kinda)

VR in 2024 is much worse than in 2020.
They’ve only fixed one issue it seems at the same time as making many more.

What they’ve fixed:

  • Toggling buttons, keys, switches and dials seem to function better. Flipping a toggle doesn’t move in the opposite direction as you intend like in 2020.

EDIT: They did not fix this. It works better in the c172 but in other aircraft, it still does whatever it wants.

What they’ve broken:

  • There seems to be a problem where spontaneously, the game will not let you grab the flight controls anymore mid flight, requiring a restart of the flight.

Edit: this happens when entering a menu or pausing the game. After doing so, the VR controllers can no longer interact with the flight controls.

  • The yoke still flashes bright yellow endlessly while holding it with seemingly no way to disable this. This was one of the main issues I was hoping they’d address from 2020. boy, was I not surprised to see they don’t care. Try flying at night with a bright flashing neon sign in your face, it’s super annoying, distracting and immersion breaking. If there’s a way to turn this off, I’ve never seen it and I checked everything dozens of times in 2020. Let me disable all glowing buttons and flight controls… I’ll know if I grabbed it or not based on… get this…if the object moves or not.

EDIT: Somehow in career mode, I encountered a bug which stopped the yoke from flashing yellow until I landed… It was heaven.

  • Walking… HOW TF DO YOU TURN? In photo mode, the right stick lets you rotate the camera, but when walking, there’s literally no way to turn. Trying to map the thumb stick to the camera always just says “scan cancelled”
    Less experienced VR users will assume you just turn with your body… This isn’t role play, I’m not standing up to walk around my plane just because I’m doing a walk around in game. When I am playing a sim, I’m sitting down, I’m not going to stand up just because my player is standing. Rotating the player camera is rule #1 in a game. Shameful and embarrassing that no one even considered this, but only justified their lack of foresight with excuses like “they’ll just rotate their body, IT’S VR!”. Why allow camera rotation in photo mode but not when walking?

EDIT: You can manually map one direction of spin to the thumb stick. Trying to assign the thumb stick for both look left and look right does not work, only one direction worked for me, so now I am always just doing full left spins if I want to go right.

EDIT 2: I mapped the “turn right” to “vertical thumb stick” so now I can push left to turn left, and have to push down to turn right… Still garbage, but better than constantly turning left.

  • My favorite plane, the Daher doesn’t even have an interactable yoke… I only tried a few planes, I’d hate to see, really how many of the planes aren’t supported fully. This is basically like not finishing the game. I incorrectly assumed that since they were planning VR support from the start that MAYBE this time they would have made sure all the planes in the base game work with VR… Again, I was not surprised to see they don’t care.

EDIT: Many, MANY of the planes do not have interactable flight controls. I tried many of them recently and only 2 worked fully while the airbus 320 was hit or miss, as well as throttle not working enough to be playable.

EDIT 2: Turns out lots of the helis and vehicles with flight sticks seem to work with the VR controllers, but very few with yokes seem to work.

  • Trying to fly the airbus a320neo was an absolute sht show. I found they have also broken the throttle levers. You can only manipulate one lever at a time unlike in 2020 where it worked properly. On top of this, the throttles now have the same problem the toggle switches had in 2020. Trying to throttle up or down just does whatever it wants. Moves in opposite directions, doesn’t move at all, moves a couple of millimeters… This is not acceptable. It looks like mostly everything is literally unplayable other than the basic Cessna.

  • No pause button. In 2020 you used to be able to hit a button on the controller to pause the game. This was very valuable since I constantly had to tweak settings in the game, or return to the main manu. Now the pause button just makes you exit the plane. Sure I could probably remap this…at least I hope I can, can’t make any assumptions with msfs though.

EDIT: the “home” button on the left quest controller pauses the game now. Note: you must be using VDXR to free up this button’s mapping. In virtual desktop using steam VR, this button will just open the steam VR overlay. With VDXR it will be free to use what the game has mapped to that button.

Their design choices seem to point to the fact that they assume people will play in a specific way. Instead of covering all the bases and making sure the game works in any scenario, they justify their laziness with excuses. They assume you will play only using the headset as a monitor, will have a peripheral yoke or hotas, will have a keyboard and mouse next to you and will have space to easily get out of your chair and walk around. In VR, you can’t see around you, I don’t want to look for my keyboard every time I have to pause the game or do any other thing they didn’t properly plan for. I’m not going to pick up a different controller to walk around my plane and I’m not gonna touch the mouse for any reason. Everything should be accessible and controllable from within the VR headset using the controllers.

I hear many of you saying, just use a yoke or hotas peripheral… I have a yoke and hotas but prefer the VR controls. They are much smoother than using my yoke and I can play while sitting in my bed instead of moving to my sim chair…which btw, I don’t know about the people at asobo, but my sim chair isn’t extremely easy to get in and out of. Assuming people will get in and out of their sim rig while essentially wearing a blindfold just to walk around their plane is absolutely mind numbingly ridiculous. It only takes one attempt at using this feature to realize it doesn’t work, so I’m going to have to assume they never actually tried even one full flight completely in VR, seated and without a peripheral.

  • scrolling is clumsy. You used to be able to use the thumb stick to scroll through menus. Now, they’ve disabled that…genius. the only way to scroll is either by grabbing a TINY bar on the side of the menu which is extremely difficult in VR, or to click and drag the menu. This wouldn’t be that bad, except that if you click on an actual setting while scrolling, even though that setting might be off the screen now due to scrolling past it, it will still select or toggle that setting. This leads you to having to go back and check what you accidentally changed. In other menus it will open a separate menu for the setting you clicked on even though that’s not what you wanted to click on. This means you have to hit b to go back, and then start scrolling from the top of the list again. Undoubtedly, you’ll click on the wrong setting again at some point while scrolling, leading you through this possibly endless loop of clicking on the wrong setting, going back, and doing this all over again. If you want to scroll without accidentally clicking on something, you have to make sure that you click on an area with no settings options… This isn’t possible in every menu, only some of them, and there isn’t always a space visible without settings due to what position you’re at in the menu list.

  • performance hasn’t changed. There’s no improvement in my experience from 2020. I have a 3070 and the game is only on medium settings with things like light shafts and ambient occlusion turned off, raymarched reflections turned to low etc… I would assume that there would have been minor improvements, but even in 2020, the game would go from acceptable one week to extremely poor the next. I don’t know what they’re doing over there, but they need to hire a real VR developer and stop watching YouTube tutorials on how to implement VR.

EDIT: for virtual desktop users, I switched to using VDXR (virtual desktop’s own runtime) and have never had a better quality experience in MSFS. Forget about steam VR or the oculus desktop app. This is the winner for me.

EDIT 2: this seems to work for me for a while, but eventually the game becomes so stuttery that I have to restart. Upon restart it seems to run fine again… Maybe some kind of memory leak somewhere or maybe it’s a problem with VD, I don’t know. Sometimes the poor performance seems to possibly be linked to entering menus and changing setting. Even just changing controller mapping could result in a stutter fest after re-entering the game.

  • EDIT 2: I also noticed that there is an entirely separate graphics menu for vr. I didn’t notice it before, but I guess none of the graphics settings I was changing were doing anything because I was in the wrong graphics menu. This is rather confusing and I can’t really tell if anything is changing the quality of the game… Even though I boosted quite a few setting, it still looks like hot garbage. The worst problem is the render distance. You’ll never see anything like the great shots in the trailer where you can see a city skyline off in the distance. It will just look like a jumbled mess of only a few triangles pointing out of the ground that are supposed to be buildings. Objects don’t seem to render to full resolution until it is right below my aircraft. Nothing I change seems to improve this aspect of the graphics, but maybe I just don’t know what setting actually affects this…even though I’ve tried all of them. A little more clarity on what settings do what would be nice.

Seeing as how none of the persistent issues with VR were fixed in 2020, I can only assume that ZERO of these issues will be addressed in this version of the game. We’ll likely have to wait till 2028 for them to address one more issue, so by the looks of it, maybe by 2040 we’ll have an acceptable VR flight sim experience from microsoft.

Prove me wrong asobo/Microsoft.


Added appropriate tags.

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I have mapped the VR menu bar and it doesn’t work, it opens everything except the menu. Sometimes i push it and I get weather, sometimes I get radio all things on the bar but I can’t get the actual bar to show up except very randomly out of no where.

Just thought I would add that to the list.

Also I fixed the turning weirdness by mapping the look left to the right controller horizontal axis. You need to select this option in their incredibly weird menu because it won’t detect the input, just cancels every time you try to add it with the detection option.


My Ctrl + Tab does not activate VR. I hate this cloud stuff.

My Experience:
Quest 3 using virtual desktop
7900xt GPU, 5600x CPU

  • Unable to assign an axis for turning in walking mode. It will accept buttons such as trigger… but not the stick axis.

  • Unplayable performance even on the lowest settings. I can run 2020 on mostly high settings 110% resolution. Have only tested 2024 GA planes so far.

  • Looks like ■■■. Likely because my GPU is struggling so badly. With 2020 I can get clarity 99% as good as a wired headset.

  • One eye keeps freezing up while the other moves. Absolute puke fest. It only comes right after going back to the VD menu and back to the game again. Doing this can also cause a CTD.

  • Scrolling menus is somehow worse than 2020. Some you can scroll by grabbing the tiles and flicking up. Some you can only grab the bar at the side. Some you can’t scroll at all.

Jorg said a few months back the VR experience will be awesome. Seb said performance in general should be approximately as good as 2020. Hopefully these things come true sooner rather than later.

Edit: Forgot to mention I also have no sound except for menu sounds and wooshes


My exp :
Reverb G2
10900K cpu, 4070 ti 12Gb GPU

VR for me is the same as in 2020. Performances are the same with TAA mode and OpenXR Tools from M. Buscia with maybe a tad sharper rendered visuals.

I’m not using the VR controllers so i did not experienced the same bugs/problems as previous posters but i’m having a strugle with mouse handling.

While in sim in VR, every time i hit Esc to go to menu, when i get back to sim, the mouse is stuck in a weird mode and can’t interact with cockpit buttons anymore. At best, hiting Esc and Get Back a few time gives back focus to cockpit interaction, at worst i need to restart the game cuz even restarting the flight does not work. If devs need proofs to investigate, caught that on stream so i have my videos that i can provide.

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I’m getting great VR performance, but I’m on a 4090, which is a ridiculous card. Way smoother than 2020 with the same card.

When I opened the EFB in VR, I could not interact with it with the mouse.


Ah you’re right, i get the same problem with EFB not interactable with mouse while in VR.

I reset the cloud and started the game again like it was the first time. It boosts my VR. I think something got corrupted with this first-day connection issue.

The VR Toolbar and cockpit mouse inoperative issue need a hot fix ASAP, these are SUCH basic things. There is also a bug with the reset cockpit view in VR, sometimes it puts you in weird places, eg much too close to the windshield.


Yeah, I’m having a ton of the same problems…

In the C152 on an original Pimax Crystal using the latest Pimax Play, with nothing in the community folder, the EFB is totally non-interactable with the mouse in VR. Just hangs outside the window, dead as a door nail.

But the toolbar inconsistency is the infuriating thing. I’ve configured both a keystroke and a right mouse click to try and force it to toggle on or off and sometimes it does and sometimes there’s just nothing there at all.

Then occasionally rather than bringing up the toolbar it brings up the weather dialogue only. Then often when I come out of VR into 2D to try and have some way to use the toolbar, it’s completely gone on even the 2D monitor now and nothing will bring it back.

Other times everything seems to work fine initially, but after going to the settings to change something and then coming back, there’s no toolbar again either 2D or VR . Have to restart the flight, to get things “working” again. Then a click or two later it’s all messed up as above. Grrrr.

Assuming somebody at Asobo checked this stuff out in VR before release, I’m wondering if it just might be Pimax related? It might be helpful for people who subsequently post to this thread to specify what headset they are using, etc. Maybe these issues are headset/software related?

I mean, it’s hard to believe that something as basic as the toolbar and EFB interaction in VR could have fallen so abysmally through the cracks.

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VR neglected? Who would’ve thought that after four years anything would change.

There really is no excuse for poor mouse programming and binding of simple things like the Toolbar, are they really playing their own game in VR? It’s a genuine question as if they do how could they possibly allow these simple errors through to a release?

It’s bad enough that they still haven’t fixed bugs in MSFS2020 from SU7 and before, yet here we are with a new title and the issues are mounting up already after only a few days!? It’s incomprehensible and the VR community deserve some respect and acknowledgement that these issues are of top priority, otherwise they could well go unfixed for four years more.


Now that we finally seem to be getting past the loading fiasco of the sim, it’s time for another bucket of popcorn. Let the real bug fest begin. :joy:

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Have you tried forcing VDXR runtime in VD traytool settings? Then run the game completely from VD without meta or steamvr running (i even uninstalled meta desktop software)

this fixed it for me

also other settings like Depth spacewarp, lower rendering res etc… but setting vdxr solved the pukefest for me

Yep I experienced the same issues. Mouse just suddenly stops working and you can’t click on anything inside the cockpit. I’m not sure exactly what happens there but it’s almost like it changes the mode or something from where things are clickable to one where they’re not. Also the toolbar may or may not work.

There’s also the issue where in DA40 the default position for the pilot in VR is on the back passenger seat. You can change the position using cameras but you can’t pass through seats (lol) and if you ever click the recenter view button you go back to the back seat. It’s very frustrating.

It’s frustrating enough that I went back to MSFS2020 for the time being until these things are improved.

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Also not sure if anybody noticed the same but I feel the picture quality is just not the same as it was in MSFS2020 in VR, even with the settings on the highest and resolution above 100%. It’s very noticeably worse when it comes to reading the screens and instruments. It’d be cool if the instrument panel could be run at a higher resolution at least.

In short, I agree its a mess.

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My Experience:

I have a Bigscreen Beyond with Valve Index controllers with a i9 13900K 4090 and 64G of ram.

I fly with a Flitesim.com CLS-60 FFB yoke and Mfg-Crosswind pedals and try to use my VR controllers and voice commands with VoiceAttack for all interaction and not use a mouse.

In 2020 most of it worked but the throttle, mixture and trim were jumpy trying to use the VR controllers but the mouse was smooth.

At the last 2 FSExpos I have talked to Jorg about this issue and had been assured that this would be fixed but here we are in 2024 and the VR controller support is worse than 2020 which I did not think could be possible.

My personal base line of proper VR controller support is X-Plane 11 and 12 which I have enjoyed for 6 years now and wonder why this seems so hard for MSFS.

To try and help bring attention I plan on doing 2 videos one with 2020 and the other with 2024 showing the state of VR controllers. I am not sure if I will stream of just create a video but plan to do this over the next week or so.

Thanks Bill


Agree with most of the above. Weird crashes and bugs I can accept as a bedding in issue. I Use a STECS throttle (lots of buttons for DCS) to get around some of the bindings and voice attack. The EFB appearing outside of the aircraft and unclickable in VR surely was spotted in testing? (same issue and without Navigraph in headset it’s a problem).
My biggest struggle though has been able to get the Pimax controller to interact with knobs) MSFS2020 I bound the AXIS to cockpit Integration and could adjust Radio’s and bugs etc. For the life if me I can’t mimic this is FS24. The clickspots for mouse in VR are unusable in the aircraft I want to fly, not appearing close to the cursor. I’m sure this will be ironed out, but if anyone has some workarounds for now I would appreciate the advice!

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Also running a 4090, and am having the same experience. Additionally, when doing the walk around, I am unable to click any of the “spots” to inspect or remove covers etc.