VR issues - Oculus Rift S

first, the game doesn’t support the controllers. Hate to say it, but you’re flapping your arms around for nothing. yeah i know, yada yada yada “immersion” blah blah blah “xplane is better” heard it all already

2nd, i haven’t experienced the fishbowl effect. Not to say it probably isn’t there, i’m just not noticing it. Sounds like you have a weird resolution or FOV issue going on. Are you using Oculus Tray Tool/Debug Tool, what are your settings at and your specs?

FIsheye hapens if your OpenXR registry entry refers to Steam VR in stead of the Oculus one


Ha! I also get the same “flash”

I just pretend I caught the reflection of the strobe light and just carry on flying.
I don’t find it breaks immersion too much, but I would be okay if they squash it.

i7 8700K on Z390 chipset
32BG ram
RTX 2080
Rift S

Thanks! This was the issue

Tweak it. Work with it for a while

this worked for me. The oculus debug tool fv stencil fix.

I’ve updated to version 3, changes are:
Link updated for OTT tool (
MSFS settings (incc traffic) and OTT setting adjusted.
This accommodates for denser airports and scenery to retain smooth performance.


Yes me too have contacted Oculus but no help in resolving just wish they would say there is an update for MSFS VR please click here to install would be so much easier the annoying thing is they know about the black frame.

I have an okay experience with my setup, although rather unusual because I couldn’t get MSF2020 on a Mac Mini. I have an Oculus Rift S with Intel Hades Canyon NUC GH version and eGPU with Radeon Vega 56. To date, this has somewhat worked okay for me but even at 1080p I get random artifacts and occasional hang of graphics. I will state that I am forced to use AMD 20.4.2 driver because if I do not, I am unable to use the built in Vega GPU that is considered discreet from the Intel UHD 630 I believe is onboard the Intel Core i7-8809 GPU. I’m going to try this with a Radeon VII and see if there is any improvement as I really need 1440p at Ultra settings. There is an option to use a slightly newer WHQL versioned driver which works with both GPU but its OpenCL functionality is worse than the AMD version in Windows 10 1909 build.

I’m using the same Hades-Canyon with my original Oculus Rift. Difference is I’m using the discreet Vega M with no issues whatsoever. It’s not a perfect solution compared to other PCs, but for my own desires I’m sufficiently content.

I have now updated this to Rev with tweaks noted at the revision notes at the bottom of document.


I am very new to VR and have an Oculus Rift S. Very impressed with the VR in MSFS but it is the only thing that I use it for. My question is: When I am in VR mode, how do I remove the binocular image on my monitor? i.e., have the monitor display a single image of what I am seeing in the headset.

As I say, I am newbie to VR so go easy on me. I do have the OTT but do not understand most of the functions of it.

I would appreciate your help. EVen after locating everything in regedit and installing Oculus XR, my game doesn’t show the VR mode in options - general.

CAn you please give me guidance on how to get the VR mode tab to show in General settings.

You mean you don’t have the “PC” tab displayed on nearly top of general settings->Graphics? This is the one you can change to “VR” through left and right arrow keys.

Yes that’s 1 and 2 is

I don’t see:
VR Mode option MSFS

in the left hand side box where all the tabs are of graphics, sound, traffic the VR MODE tab is missing.

PLease Help!!

First you need to describe a little your PC configuration and which headset you have (Oculus Rift CV1, Rift S, Quest, Quest 2, etc.).

Does all work fine when using your headset with the Oculus Home Software?

Did you try launching Oculus Home, check all is fine inside headset, before launching MSFS?

If yes to all of that I suggest to double check the registry setting, be sure to have the correct path and driver letter to point on it (mine is my D drive so the path is “D:\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\oculus_openxr_64.json”).

You wont see VR mode in left tab.
Center tab switches between VR and PC.

He’s right, he can normally also see the VR Mode choice here in General settings:

ahh right!
sorry, i thought he meant VR graphics.

Just wondered if any of you had tried VR whilst flying the Xcub? I tried it last night and found the mouse selection of cockpit instrumentation to be horribly inaccurate. In order to press a button under the mouse cursor. i needed to offset the cursor by about a centimetre. For some Garmin functions, it simply couldn’t be done. Was I just having a bad setup night or is this a common experience?

Also, would you agree that some of the flap mechanisms (in cockpit) are way too close to you? Operating them is so difficult, I had to re-assign some joystick buttons for flaps up and down. Xcub flaps lever is literally in your face. Mundy CAP10 is another horribly tricky one.

Finally, I often move my ATC window up high in the windscreen and then have horrible problems getting the mouse to focus on them. Often, I find myself waving my mouse cursor in front of my face frantically, whilst a controller insists I respond to the last message.