How Do you write stuff while in VR ?? I fly on Vatsim a lot and often get changes to the FP (in the MCDU). I normally write these instructions/changes down so I can refer to them but in VR ?? I’m thinking go off VR but many of you said that ruins the immersion. Anyone heard or know anything about VR passthrough ?? I have the Q2.
You could use FSKneeboard (free or paid version), InGamePanels 12-in-1 (separate panels or integrated into a tablet) (paid) or Sky4Sim (free or paid version) to write notes on a virtual notepad, amongst many other useful things.
do you actually write with Sky4Sim or do you use the mouse or hand controllers to write ?? The VR passthrough looks to me like you actually “write” with you hand on a piece of paper. it’s like a portal outside of VR. I have the X-Touch mini and wondering if the VR passthrough would work for that ??
The notepad in Sky4sim uses the sim and a virtual keyboard in the Sky4sim app to write notes.
so you aren’t actually writing it like you would on a pad. You are using the mouse or the controllers ??? I haven’t tried writing with a controller but I know it’s tough with a mouse.
Using the mouse to click on the virtual keyboard keys.
got it … I’m terrible with the mouse but I’ll have to get better. With VR passthrough, I’m wondering if there is an add-on out there that would allow you to just write on a pad ??
I use a pen and notepad just as in real life. You just have to look down your nose at it. No big deal.
so you come out of VR to read and write ?? That’s what I’m thinking would work best. Can you actually see outside looking down your nose ??
Yeah, usually I can just glance down there. (Gotta pick one eye or the other though!)
I fly IRL and it feels very natural. Same pen, same pad, same lap & yoke. Heck, I have a yoke mounted iPad and don’t mind lifting my goggles every now and then to look at the map, and to interact with ForeFlight, which functions exactly are it does IRL.
Sky4Sim uses a virtual keyboard, which I personally don’t like. Both FSKneeboard and the InGamePanels I linked to in my previous post use a “freehand” notepad, which is a bit more practical.
You’d still need a mouse to draw or write and I also find that a bit awkward, but you could use a pen mouse. I haven’t tried it myself, but from what I’ve seen online it basically writes like a thick pen. You can find them online for around £20. Or a graphics tablet that comes with a properly sized pen for around £40.
I fly IRL too … just not airliners LOL. How do you interact with the MCDU or GPS ???
Hi, probably not useful but thought I’d mention just in case - have you tried using the double tap feature on Quest 2 to briefly activate the pass through camera? You can jot down your notes then double tap to re-enter VR.
As I said, probably not ideal due to the loss of immersion, and the camera quality isn’t the best, but the feature can be quite handy at times.
I occasionally use mine when the dog comes in to lay under my chair and I want to quickly know exactly where she is.
I only fly the 172 IRL (I soloed yesterday!!) and I built a panel to match the closest thing MSFS offered, which is the steam gauge version.
I can use everything here while in VR, just by natural reach! it’s kinda freaky how well it works.
Mounted to a 6axis DOFreality platform with a buttkicker is mind-bending. When my CFI jumped out of the plane, I actually looked at his empty seat, breathed a sigh of relief and said “ok… THIIS feels natural.”
Probably taboo to mention this but X-Plane is way better at study level aircraft than MSFS. I fly on both and the graphics and visuals go to MSFS but if you want to fly the closest thing to a C172, maybe look into X Plane.
I focus on pre-flying VFR xc’s, selecting visual waypoints & real world references for visual approaches. For that, MSFS and their satellite imagery + GIS located everything can’t be beat.
I made Orthos for XP, and when I got to the edge of my tile… I turned around. Just not fun.
Edit: The WB Sim C172 mod for MSFS is closing the gap.
Agree if you are concentrating on VFR. I’m already IFR rated and as much as I love the scenery, I fly mainly “in the cockpit” and X Plane cannot be beat for study level aircraft. Once you move to IFR, consider X Plane. I’m just getting started with VR and very excited. I’m actually building a new PC (as this older one can’t cut it in VR). I’m now struggling with the prices especially with the new 4000 series GPU’s that are just out. $4000 can buy me a lot of time in the air IRL !!!
I got Reality Mixer from Steam the other day. It allows you to place static pass-through windows where you want them. Right now, it uses the headset camera, but the developer is working on using a Webcam for better resolution than the pass-through camera has. It’s nice to be able to see my button box and hand when I reach for it.
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