VR Performance as of SU8

Hi all, anyone else feel like SU8 gave quite a frame rate boost, but microstuttering has increased a bit? This is without motion reprojection btw.

I’m now able to lock FPS at 45-48 (depending on area) when flying in many areas, which was unthinkable before. This is with OXR100/TAA100/FSR85 in a G2 on a 3080 and an 8700k.
At the same time, when watching the landscape pass by (especially close up) I feel like there are more frequent/more noticeable microstutters than before, when I was getting 40-44 FPS.

EDIT: I have since noticed that the smoothness seems to change randomly - sometimes it’s smoother than ever, then 20 seconds later I see the microstutters again. Then they dissapear again, etc. Seems random and not related to scenery or other stuff going on.

Anyone seeing the same or similar?

i actually feel my performance has downgraded, but i’m running it with motion reprojection so i have to conduct more tests, this was just a half hour test flight. I have zero microstuttering though. It’s literally completely smooth. I had to lower my resolution though. I am running oxr 150, ingame 80 (pre su8 i was on 85%) on 9700k, rtx 2070 but an older wmr headset.

Ok, i never use MR, ill add that

how’s the shimmer issue going for you though? Do you feel it’s better? I have a feeling it’s better.

Hmmm first Test and my FPS are not good as before the Update. Before i was on 28-30 now 21-25 same Aircraft, Same Settings, same location.

Same. Slight fps loss. Lol

Not really, maybe by 5%. Not sure whether it’s placebo or not.

After more of testing the View is much clearer but definitly a Performencehit but iam going on with testing.

What are rhe issues? Only tested it for 30 mins yesterday, didnt notice any problems.

Can’t quite put my finger on it but performance feels smoother and much more solid for me!

Weirdly I felt there was a slight performance boost with beta 1, then a drop with beta 2. I didn’t run exact benchmark though so this was just my perception .

No improvement on building shimmer for me

Using OpenXR Toolkit FSR with OpenXR at 150%, looks swell, tad better even now with SU8.

What is horrible are the mouse ‘over’ bugs with Toolbar Map ATC c.s. pop-ups, that block key commands (ATC keyboard “1” >> nothing) and worse now, the VR Toolbar itself not showing with Tab a lot of the time.

VR Toolbar ‘Tab’ if hammered couple of times brings op ‘Weights’ pop-up. That’s horrible.

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Performance has taken a step back for me especially in the glass cockpit of the Longitude. It’s really noticeable on takeoff. Also looking around now there’s a slight jerkiness and not as smooth as before. Also notice the VR headset loses its position frequently now (HP Reverb G2). Moving your head around at time finds your eye position outside the cockpit and when you reset it your nose is plastered to the glareshield. It takes a minute for the calibration to figure itself out again.

Found something interesting that solved my performance issues. If I run the sim in full screen it performs like it did in SU7. Go figure…

FPS dropped, but otherwise ok until I logged on this evening. It downloaded a 26 Mb update and has been a stutter fest ever since.


Hmm im always in full screen but still get these microstutters, as if everything pauses for a splitsecond every few seconds

Hi all.

I have the same problem on Quest 2, seems that stuttering is now worse than it was.

Running SteamVR with virtual desktop, refresh @ 72Mhz. I got it working earlier somewhat ok, but now back to drawing board. (3080 OC).

I hoped to see some / any improvement to VR for SU8, but no, its worse.

I really love this game, after a long day at work, its nice to have a trip to France, fly around and see different places in VR, but putting money more and more for hardware and updates makes things go backwards…

I was really gobsmacked at how good it was in my Quest 2 yesterday, using virtual desktop wirelessly.

I didn’t note the numbers in fpsVR but it was better than it’s ever been - not wall-to-wall red graphs for a nice change - and the scenery over Wales looked just great. No stuttering at all. Seem to remember the FPS being in the low 30’s. Steam version of the sim.

I don’t use any other utilities with Quest these days - dropped OTT when I stopped using CV1.

I’d be happy to post my settings for the sim and SteamVR.

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Yup couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but performance feels much more stable smooth and solid in VR and the lighting looks so much better.

I take it back, full screen has no improvement. Don’t know what I was getting yesterday but today performance is ■■■■ in the Longitude. Once those glass displays come up performance tanks especially on takeoff low to the ground. Asobo hosed this up in VR as far as I’m concerned.