I’m so disappointed from the VR release! expected it to run smoothly and nice but the graphics looks awful, a lot of black space on each side of the vr screen… when turning your head the screen is black on the sides… My computer can handle every game and run it smoothly and nice but this is just so disappointing
My expectation were high and I they hyped it greatly but didn’t live to the expectations
the game in vr doesn’t even look close to what I saw in the trailers…
btw I have rtx2080 and i7-9700k
I worked on the setting for some time and it didnt help.
I LOVE the game and vr in general but they hyped it too much and didnt deliver in my opinion .
Sorry to hear this. Yes VR is demanding in this sim. If you have black spaces moving your head quickly then your GPU isn’t maintaining high enough refresh for the display.
As VR Flight Sim Guy has noted you need to make some compromises with the graphical fidelity. Try lowering the render scaling down to 60 percent and move to medium settings and work up from there. Oh you have OpenXR installed and the Preview runtime enabled with motion reprojection right?
Also you can switch between PC and VR settings so make sure you graphical quality against VR and not PC.
I too have worked on settings… Even going to the extreme of doing 80% SS and even lowering the Ingame VR settings for SS down to 50%… Of course it looked horrible but I could not get the game to run at any decent FPS.
I have a Index/ Steam VR.
I have a RTX 3080… .(YES)
I have CPU 8700K…
I have 32 Gigs or Ram…
Starting to wonder if anyone with an Index actually got to test this game?
I’m getting 40 FPS sitting on the runway… (which is fine)
But once I take off I’m getting massive jumps from 0 back to 40… Which is terrible!
Also My GPU Framtime is like 17.5 to 45 Which is terrible!!
And my CPU Frmatime is a little worse…
We should be getting 12 or less for Framtimes… even DCS gives you 12!!!
Reprojection is at 58-60% LOL…
Oh and running anything under 100% SS and you can’t read anything… So no point in going any lower, if you can’t read instruments no point in flying the plane.
I have been messing about for 2 hours now and I can’t get the viewpoint to align properly and I also found a few bugs. Nonetheless, the team realy pushed this release before Christmas and tried their best to bring VR to EVERYONE, for FREE. Not just the HP Reverb G2. I think your expectations were a bit too high, yes I have to admit, so were mine. But you can’t start complaining about it here as if they did a terrible job. Be happy we have VR so early on and think of it this way: From here on out, it will only improve over time. Drop the VR for now, get back to normal playing and try again next update.
About the Graphics: if it already runs at 40fps with a normal monitor, it won’t ever run 40 fps in VR on the same PC.
I think that the developers and the teams that were involved are smart and talented! and im very happy that it is for free! but they didn’t live to what I felt they said and I’m not saying its horrible, its just unplayable for me and some others.
I respect the teams but they shouldnt release it if its not ready.
it would be very bad if it will hurt the game as it did to cyberpunk 2077
Running a 2600x Ryzen here with an RTX 2070.
Out of the box I have to say i’m still impressed.
Yes, it’s not pulling huge FPS (it was still smooth enough that I could do a full flight)
Yes, things become slightly blurry, like button text and whatnot
But dang! Still impressive and I do not regret.
This is better than I expected and definitely the way forward.
That being said, until hardware catches up (I think more powerful than 3090 is needed here for proper fidelity) and VR headsets increase in resolution, this is still not the de facto way to play this sim.
Give it time!
Good Job Asobo for this 1st iteration on VR.
I’m really impressed with the VR quality, im on a AMD 3700X and a 2070Super with a Reverb G2 and its run great right out of the box, i’ve not had to change a single setting. I think anyone expecting a VR implementation to look like it does on a standard monitor isnt familiar with what VR can deliver today.
As a fairly long term user of VR (last 4 years) I think its great as a first VR implementation.
Yep just had my first flight from Oban in Scotland - I’ve landed a lot in X-Plane in VR but my first landing in MSFS felt really special.
I did change some settings down with render scaling at 60% (Reverb G2) but it looked amazing. Render scaling is literally a different scale in VR and you shouldn’t feel bad turning this value below 100% because in VR it’s still looks incredible!
Low fps, but what else is new. Mine is working great, even turning all the settings up to max on the Index. Got some further optimizations to do but no complaints for a first release. People need to temper their expectations for things like this.
I totally agree. I have to say though Vulkan made VR possible in X-Plane for me, so while DirectX 12 might not be a saviour in the same way Vulkan was in X-Plane, I still believe there is more improvement to come in software and it’s SO close to being great it just needs a little boost in that direction.
I played today with a Reverb G2 off a 2080 GTX. Obviously doesn’t look as good as the monitor but it was very playable and was able to fly around my home city VFR, landing at all the trick spots I used to use my STOL on. Overall positive experience.
Wow! that’s great to hear that it is possible to reach good quality, but when you have low fps in vr its not going to do good to you as far as I know.
May you share your settings?
And they hyped it too much and the trailer looked much better if I remember correct
I agree with you that there is the need of better software and hardware and it is very close to us. although its close to us and needed it cost a lot of many to research and develop the technology and for us, you, the customer, it cost also money. and as we can see with the releases of the new gen graphics card (Nvidia*AMD) we see a lot of shortages in supply and very high demand.