Hello all,
I just bought an Occulus Quest 2 and did my first tests. While I was impressed with the immersion, I was a bit disappointed with the resolution. I could barely read the speed values on the A320 PFF. I’m playing with the cable connection. I have rtx 2070s and intel i9000.
Now my questions I have, may seem basic but I have no idea how to go from here:
- do I have to accept the low resolution because that is the state of the art at this point.
- if I invest in better hardware (graphics card?processor? Other VR headset?) it can expect significant improvements.
Thank you in advance for your feedback!
@benams1979 The quest 2 is a great device for its price, but as you have seen the resolution (1832x1920 per eye) is not particularly high. It’s fine for steam gauged airplanes, but it will fall short on the tiny letters and numbers on some MFD and FMC displays etc. You can try supersampling the image to increase apparent resolution, but that will only get you so far. Also with any increase in resolution or supersampling you are going to experience a corresponding hit to GPU performance. Your 2070 is kind of at the lower limit for acceptable VR performance. If you want to go higher you will need to be looking at Nvidia 40 series cards as well, ideally a 4090 or 4080.
There are four headsets with significantly higher resolution either available now or coming soon, but none of them are from Meta (who subsidize their headset hardware), and so they are quite a bit more expensive. They are the Pimax Crystal (~$1600), the Varjo Aero (~$2300 + base station cost), the Bigscreen Beyond (coming soon, ~$1000), and the Somnium VR1 (maybe coming soon, price currently unknown).
Unfortunately the quest for HMD resolution right now is on an exponential curve cost wise. Hope that helps!
There is a software called Oculus Tray Tool that allows you to increase the Pixel Density which will make your image much sharper and easier to read text. However this comes at quite a performance cost on your PC but if you have the headroom I would definitely turn it up, by default it should be set to 1.0 I would try it at 1.2 - 1.3 then check your frame rates and performance tab in your task manager. The Oculus Quest 2 only has a resolution of 1920x1832 per eye which is not actually what you see in VR and is not comparable to a 1920x1080 monitor. For example the the HTC Vive Pro 2 has a 4896x2448 per eye. I would personally play with the PPD (pixel per display) and scale it up, then if that doesn’t work for you and you want to invest more money I would look into upgrading your VR headset and minimum PC requirements for the headset you choose. It has been over a year since I last used my oculus so things may have changed since then, so do some research on that. Also most games also allow you to change the PPD in the config.ini files.
Edit: Ramasurinen responded while I was typing, but yes I agree with everything he said.
Hello @Ramasurinen, hello @kushCoder,
First of all thanks to both of you for the quick replies, it helps me a lot, I really appreciate it.
I will let this sink in, and go over my future sim budget with my wife
Best regards
Oculus Quest 2 gives better results with analogic panels. As said above with EFIS aircraft , Quest 2 needs to use Right Mouse button to zoom in and read screen values. I updated my configuration from RTX2070 to RTX3070TI but that as improved FPS but of course no resolution improvement .
Hi @Coleo91,
Thank you for your feedback!
Would you say, it was a big performance leap from 2070 to 3070 (except resolution as you explained)?
I wouldn’t think that going from your 2070s (super) to a 3070 is going to be exactly earth shattering (my guess is ~15% higher gpu performance). If you want good msfs clarity with any non-DisplayPort streaming headset you need a pretty beefy gaming PC. Also, since msfs, like all flight sims, are pretty poorly multithread optimized, you need to properly match high end gpu’s with high end, fast cpu’s (and ram as well).
My PC has i9 13900k (water cooled), rtx4090, 32Gb 5200ram, z790 mb, and 1000w psu. With this setup I get very good results with both my Q2 and QPro. Clarity with my QPro is better of course, and this is what I use most of the time (my Q2 is really just for backup now).
I have a very good router/wifi setup so I actually mainly run my QPro wireless with Air Link. The results are about 99% as good as with a Link cable and I prefer the freedom of wireless.
On top of using 80Hz refresh rate and highest res slider settings, like the OP said, I’m also able to add 1.5x SS using OTT and this together with DLSS/balanced or performance gives me very good clarity. I don’t have any problems reading instruments/switches and I get a very nice/smooth 40-50fps framerate (although I generally ignore fps #'s and just concentrate on getting clarity and smooth/stutter-free results).
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Your configuration is high end configuration
RTX3070TI gives good result even with Quest 2 excepted resolution !
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Hi @SunlitAlpaca141,
Qpro is out of my league in terms of budget. After trying a few scenarios, the best compromise i could find is this:
Hp reverb g2 + rtx 3080 + i7 12700. I am aware that these are not the latest models, but this is where i get best value. Still, it’s all worth it if I can get the resolution to read pfd on planes. However, I’m still skeptical about what to expect…
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That’s a good combo, similar to what I had before I upgraded. I actually still run the G2. I also had a QPro and returned it in favor of the G2. Resolution was too low for me and it had a few other issues. The G2 is still great value for sims! Just be sure to get a custom gasket (3d printed, off ebay) for improved FOV and sweetspot.
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Hello @BearsAreCool510,
This is indeed a good news. Can you confirm that with the setup hp reverb g2 + 3080 the resolution was good to read displays whitout zooming in? Thank you in advance!
In GA plane with G2 and 3070 and 4070Ti I was able to read displays without zooming. With 4070Ti I used DLLS Quality and ca. 110% super sampling in OXR developer tool. However my FPS on medium complexity payware airports went down to ca. 23 FPS (1/4 of 90Hz with motion reprojection).
If you don’t want to make such compromises the solution is 4090.
Is this (OTT) something you have to download ?? I have OpenXR Toolkit and Oculus debug tool. I need to go back to square 1 and start all over setting mine (Q2) up. I have a 4090 (w/7800X3D) so my graphics should be decent but they are NOT.
On the whole, yes. Kind of depends on the size of the figures you are looking at and the resolution you run. But all the important stuff should be readable at a res that a 3080 can handle.
Late reply here, but I have a mostly clear/sharp view but I’ll sill use zoom. The default VR zoom is awkward to use. What I did to make it more natural was to change the zoom binding from the mouse to an easy to reach by feel key on the keyboard. I use the ~ key since it’s on the outside edge of the keys.
It makes programming a flight plan, looking out the other window, or setting the barometer on a steam gauge so much easier.
Hello all,
My current plan is as follows:
Upgrade my PC with a best budget approach:
4070ti+i5 9600kf+mbd+32gb DDR4 3600 ram.
Keep Quest 2 and look for improvements & optimizations.
If that’s still not satisfactory in terms of resolution: see if I can afford a hp reverb g2 next.
What do you guys think?
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You can get used G2 for 250 euro. Some risk, but moderate. In a year or two you may upgrade to more modern headset.
With 4070Ti I was able to get 23-33 FPS (with 1/4 or 1/3) motion reprojection with decent resolution in the GA plane.
Hello to all,
Just wanted to follow up and share my experience for those who may be interested.
I had the opportunity to expand my budget and now I am the owner of HP reverb g2 with 4070ti. I just started without any optimization and can already visibly see the better resolution. In addition, I can also confirm all the advantages and disadvantages described above. First between conclusion: I can decipher the digital avionics much better than with Quest 2. I will now see how I can optimize the settings to reach my final goal: a smooth immersion flight experience with the fenix A320.
I will keep you guys updated.
Best regards
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hey all.
well great topic.
I just posted a topic on “upgrading my cpu”
if your still using the quest 2 I screenshot my settings , so if that helps
Im not 100% sure why but my sim is looking better in GA aircraft flying low around cities. even raised my buildings and trees one more from screenshot, and still smooth.
the thing that is hurting my system is my 3070, not to say its not good enough as others have described but next upgrade for me is gpu later on .
but for now it works fine.
the OTT for some reason won’t work for me . as soon as I install it , even on default settings I get stuttering in my Q2. when I look left or right it’s delayed. as soon as it’s uninstalled it goes back to normal…weird.
OTT is hit or miss.