Did anybody find a way to take screenshots in VR without using the controlers ?
I’m using a G2 but not the controlers… I’ve tried the OpenXR solution but the result is not usable (it’s one one eye distored image).
Isn’t there any keyboard shortcut that can be simply bind to get the same result as using the controller ?
PS: and I can’t use the voice control eihter.
You can use the OpenXR Toolkit for VR screenshots.
I already tried but the result is a so distored that it’s not very usable…
I think good VR screenshots optimized for a flat screen would require Asobo to build it ingame. First they would need to get rid of this double mirror on the screen, then they vould stretch it correctly. I don‘t know if they want to spend any time on VR though. It certainly doens‘t look as a priority to them, ingame screenshots haven’t even been implemented, VR screenshots would probably be even further down.
The point is that using the VR controllers you can get good screenshots (Good size, full screen etc.) but you just can’t take them with a simple keyboad shortcut…
How do you do it with the controllers? While in the sim I open the WMR window and click the picture icon to take a screenshot, but nothing happens. How do you do it?
Screenshots work in other apps but I couldn’t get it to work in the sim today.
Alt+F2 (or whatever your “print screen” shortcut / button is), then paste into Photo editor?
Also, if you go into the steam menu and select “show Steam View” (or something like that) it’ll give you a full screen view. Then do the aforementioned “print screen”. It’ll be at the size and resolution of your 2d monitor.
@Mayhem6633 Trigger + Windows button (on the controller)
Yes but that’s not “VR friendly” at all, you have to pause the sim, get out, finish the work in windows etc.
If it gets the shot you want. The original post didn’t mention “super easy”. Just “not using the controllers”.
I usually grab screens to approximate real life pics I’ve pulled off the GoPro. It’s a dedicated “do what ya gotta do” session for me.
My VR screenshot workflow.
I have toggle VR mode mapped to a controller button. I have active Pause mapped to a controller. I have my 2D settings set to Ultra DLSS/DLAA with Resolution set to 4k. I pause the sim, toggle out of VR, set up the shot and snap, toggle back to VR. If you are flying VR all the time, you can crank up the 2D settings for best screenshots because FPS doesn’t matter when you are paused. Also, there’s a bug when you toggle back and forth between TAA and DLSS frequently, so if you use DLSS in VR, use DLSS/DLAA in 2D for snaps.
I use the openxr screenshot function (actually I use voice attack and just say “screenshot”) during the flight and after the flight I crop and edit the picture.
You can see some of the limitations on the bottom right corner.
Here is a link to a video I recently did showcasing all my favorite screenshots.
If you’re using the G2; Windows Key + Y, then pressing Windows Key again will bring up the menu that allows you to take screenshots, no idea on their quality though…
This might be a dumb question, but OpenXR takes screenshots of both my left and right eye. Is there a way to combine those two files into a 3D file to be viewed through a VR headset?
That is a great idea, being able to see the screenshots in 3d.
I tried using DeoVR in Steam and set it to side by side but the geometry was all off and it looked cross eyed.
Maybe someone with more knowledge of VR could compensate the pictures to work.