I for one would be massively happy to have a working, tune-able VTOL FM file. The Aerospace world are coming out with new forms of aircraft (and drones) that will take off (like a helicopter) and fly like an aircraft. Airbus are even making one.
Please consider this. I have many planes I have done that use this. It would be pretty nice to have an FM template that we could fill out with the proper figures and have it fly properly. There are quite a few planes that use VTOL technology where they can hover, like a helo, even have auto-hover and can convert their joystick input to 'right left, forward backwards when in VTOL hover mode. (check the way the F-35 does this).
Many thanks for hearing my humble request. Great work on FS2020! woo hooo!
Well said Bill! you gave me a copy of your disco volante model years ago in gmax to mess around with I don’t know if you remember…Anyway Love all your aircraft and future concept ideas, much more interesting than another cessna!.
VTOL will be a massively increasing reality in the future and am surprised the team haven’t included this ability in their new sim just as X plane does! I even asked for VTOL in the alpha/beta testing, it would be great to see its inclusion in a future patch! Keep up the good work! Look forward to any aircraft you release for this sim!
I would like to see an FM where we could take off vertically, land, and hover. There are a ton of aircraft, jets, and Elon Musks’s rockets, that can do this.
Boeing V22 Osprey
SpaceX rockets including newest Mars and Moon vehicles, and ‘Grasshopper’ (rest in peace)
New Electric 4 fan VTOL’s such as Airbus’ newest entry in that market
Star Wars models, which all use VTOL. The Falcon and X-Wings could finally land like proper SW vehicles.
My Haunebu fleet could use it.
I was thinking… What if we used a similar system to what Active Pause uses, but make it interactive and tune-able in how it works; such as: (these would be flight model configs, a special VTOL section);
Slow to Stop
Set Accelleration / Decelleration rates
Controller key for activation
Seconds to full hover on/off (Blend from ‘flight to hover’ and ‘hover to flight’ transitions).
Controller keys or joystick secondary useages for climb and descend (similar to Slew, F1-F4 and a joystick function, like throttle used for climb-descend, take-off, land…
Auto-land (option)
Right-Left-Forward-Backward hover options, like the F35 has, where it can move around and hover directly over a parking pad and then descend to land. Make this optionally linked to joystick when in ‘hover mode’ or ‘vtol mode’.
Able to pivot/turn (like F35 and V22 Osprey) via rudder joystick control and keyboard rudder control when in VTOL mode.
IT WOULD BE AWESOME… I’ll test it and seek to work out kinks and issues.
Please consider it. Its the future of aviation. Perhaps a basic version for now and a polished system to follow? Something that could be tuned?
My thoughts are, if Active Pause can hold the plane still in flight and the sim continues to run, why couldnt you use a clone of this system and set up some neat options for it, making it ‘VTOL Mode’.
this seems to be a good idea for third-party developer to do. But the devs need to make sure the SDK and the simulator engine is ready to support these flight models first.
The news is filled with reports on new VTOL Taxi services being the next big thing.
Being the ones to provide some simulation training for these; asap, seem$ important.
How things will function in the real world w regards to FAA controls: instant flight plan filing, atc, nav (micro sid/star victors?) etc. etc. intrigues me.
Being the first to train people in these new way$ also seems very important.
It’s going to get chaotic and I can’t imagine at this time it will all fall under Class G airspace rules. I don’t know though.
If the post were still open on ‘How to Attract More People to MSFS’, I would add VTOL Air Taxi Training.
“I’m inbound on the Wal-Mart 90 then heading north on the Home Depot 180…”
Other random thoughts:
There will be a need for designated landing areas in parking lots?
IFR/Autopilot: Using a Garmin for inner-city flying. What’s that going to be like.
Lots of new rooftop landing infrastructure is going to be needed.
ROSS is the only business I see in MSFS that takes advantage of ROOFTOP signage. There is one in Las Vegas. More businesses need to make themselves seen clearly from the air.
Using a VTOL for Non-Commercial activity. Class G Flying. Cross country flying.