Waiting for the Update #5? Here's Your COUNTDOWN timer

Updating now

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620MB in Microsoft Storeā€¦

Live on Store. Downloading

620.1MB in MS Storeā€¦ Downloading

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300mb in Steam

But after you launch, another 40gb is waiting for you :slight_smile:


Not downloading now

Lets dooo it :smiley:

and the race begins :slight_smile:

I nsee Rhinos on the new splash pcitureā€¦

East coast nothing on steam and sim just jumped past eh check for uploads screenā€¦

LOL that just occurred to me, downloaded steam now on to the sim ā€¦xx

No updates in the store yet for me

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having fun reading the forum nowā€¦

I have a 500mbit connection, so probably finished in 15-20 minutes

You need to restart steam

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Nothing yet on Xbox

its go time baby! I knew this 1 gbps internet was good for something!

Itā€™s 5 past! gimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimme :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

27,59 GB update on Xbox Series X , downloading atm

Can everyone please step out of the Internet for a moment please, thaaaaaank you :slight_smile: