Let this page open until we got it
Only ONE hour to go!
35 minutes to wait before the PC flightsimmers and X box gamers all try to download at the same time and crash the MS servers
This reminds me of the Big Bang Theory episode where they are trying to get tickets to Comicon. Everybody refresh your screens!!
I don’t need a timer. I just wait until this forum kicks me off every few minutes… THEN I know the update is out
Good idea thx
Are we there yet?
Aww, I’m not gonna make it, still over water. No nearest airport to download the update in 8 minutes.
Why does my plane not have sat internet!
It’s in the next update. Coming soon …
7 minutes until the first “I’m getting worse frames rates after SU5” post.
It is pretty quiet in the air right now (live multiplayer), silence before the storm
I’ll wait and read the forum. Today that’s more interesting than flying.
I believe the servers are going to be real busy so we’ll just have to be patient.
Premature liftoff
yeah…I’m at work right now anyways. I’ll watch from the weeds for a while, then try to update later today.
Will it do a store update first? I’m assuming so.
Only the strongest will pass
Its live on steam now
It’s already live here.
40.29GB, oh boi.
Downloading from MS Store