despite is written in SDK:
In order to access files from within an add-on, filenames can be prefixed in two ways:
".\": to access the files from within the add-on package. This has a read-only access.
"\work": to access a persistent storage that the add-on can use. This is a read/write access.
this piece of code:
FILE* fh = fopen (".\\default.ln3", "r");
if (fh == (FILE*) 0) {
"SIM SKUNK WORKS G-91 DEBUG: failed to open .ln3 file errno:%d\n", errno);
perror("fopen() failed");
return (char*)0;
produces a I/O error (errno = 29)
from sim console:
SIM SKUNK WORKS G-91 DEBUG: SimConnect connection open: OK
SIM SKUNK WORKS G-91 DEBUG: failed to open .ln3 file errno:29
fopen() failed : I/O error
any clue ?
thanks in advance