Water reflections are.........................gone?

Water reflections are simply gone now post patch. Not even a glimmer. I even flew through an electrical storm with some (very) convincing lightning. Even this did not reflect. Is everyone experiencing this? Reflections set on Ultra and High. Both the same.


Yes it seems quite a few people are. Best to report this through Zendesk and I’d advise others experiencing this to do the same


I thought the water looks pretty good now lol. Before it was bugged

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Although I see there are no night reflections anymore.

Do you still have terrain reflections?

Maybe it’s so realistic that there are no reflections when it’s raining?

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Got reflections here so far, maybe something has changed in your. . ini file?

Just tested at PHNL - the only thing I can see reflecting during the day is buildings. Even the cruise liner heading out to sea doesn’t reflect.

@AgatePolecat89, what ini file? I’d like to poke around and see for myself.


Someone was reporting that their graphics settings got reset with the update. Maybe your reflection setting got reset? I haven’t booted the game yet to see for myself. I still need to finish fixing my yoke.

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Neither one of those contains any reference to reflections

No, I checked my graphics settings, they are untouched. I see that alot of folks have reported this.

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I have noticed that the sun and the moon both still reflect beautifully off of the water- but not man-made lights. So odd…

Guys, if you have issues/bugs, add it to the correct bug thread so people can VOTE

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Same. Water looks just awful now. Feel like I’m flying Il-2 1946.

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Would you mind verifying that the sun and moon do still reflect off the water please? Thank you in advance-

I wish they would stop constantly messing with the shaders of their sim.
Bring back the water rendering from the release candidate NOW. One can still implement the reduced settings through the UI but this is getting beyond ridiculous.


I still have sun and can see waves and even white caps,

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The sun is reflecting off of it, but it’s flat and diffused. The colors muted, kind of chalky. I’d post a screenshot if I knew how. Haha.