I can’t see any tropical shorelines and watermasks in FS 2020. Looks…not real. Is there a worldmap update planed?
I can’t see any tropical shorelines and watermasks in FS 2020. Looks…not real. Is there a worldmap update planed?
Yes they are coming. But the Devs have to do it by hand
The AI can’t do it alone.
Expect World Updates about every 3 month.
This thread can at least point you to a few places where this has been implemented …
Hopefully not only the topspots in this world will have coralwater. I miss it all over the mediteran sea in europe and the rest of the world.
This item was delivered as part of World Update 3.
Hi there,
I am closing this issue, because Asobo released a large portion of water masks in World Update 3, many of which are in tropical areas advertised in the Oceania trailer.
If you have specific areas where you would like to see, you may wish to create new Wishlist topics for those specific areas, and tag them with #water-mask plus the area of the world where you would like to see them (e.g. for the Mediterranean, #europe, or for the Caribbean, #caribbean .)