Hello All
I would like to find some liveries for the WB-Sim Cessna 172SP Classic EnhMod but can’t find.
I heard it is maybe possible to convert “normal” 172-skins so that I can use them with this mod.
Can anybody help me with this please?
Sorry to create an extra thread for that - did not find the appropriate summary thread.
Thanks a lot!
Sorry to bother mate - I tried to find their discord - but I can’t find anything. I am searching with “WB-Sim” or “WB Sim”.
Can you tell me the correct search term maybe? All invites I found are old and invalid unfortunately.
Note: About Discord Invite Links. ( that is not obvious, unless you know)
By default, when a Discord Link is created, it is only valild for 7 days (in the fine print).
To make it last longer, or never expire, one has to take a 2nd step, and select the option to change that 7 day life, to what you want.
Many miss this step, so when they post an Invite in, say a forum, it ends up expiring in 7 days.
Easily missed – I have done this often in the past, till someone was kind enough to point it out.
The above Link NEVER expires, ---- neither does it have a limited number of uses.
Hi! Thanks for your help! I clicked on your link and it says “invitation not valid” (expired). I’m not sure if this is on my end (probably lol) - so if you could maybe tell me by which search term I may search (I would try to just “add manually the server”?
Maybe someone else reading this can try, and confirm it really is working, as I am already a member of the Wb-Sim Discord Server – not that that should make any difference