We need an option to disable 'Back on Track' after crash

Instead of back on track, when you crash you should be able to rewind on a timeline to any point before the crash upto about 3 mins before or something like that .


As an option, sure.

But we need a way to disable it entirely for two key reasons in my opinion

  1. Online ATC Networks like VATSIM, its way WAY bad to have your plane just teleport itself to a location and pretend everything is fine.

  2. In VR it is extremely jarring to have yourself suddenly teleported a few 1000 feet.

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Wouldn’t it be great if crashes were simulated like in DCS? Smoking hole or severely damaged, crippled aircraft shown after a botched landing. Then we’d have a sim.

I guess too many overly-sensitive souls would be psychologically traumatized for life if subject to such horribly devastating visual carnage. Can’t have that.

Heavens to Betsy, oh my!

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Because the direction 2024 is taking is clearly towards gamification, not sim.


They can’t do that because they have so many formal agreements with the actual aircraft manufacturers, I’m sure you can understand for a company like Boeing who is already on the rocks with a bunch of aircraft issues, having a bunch of simulated crashes on youtube wouldn’t exactly give them the warm-fuzzies for continuing to work with MSFS.

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No one has asked them to create aircraft models that can break or explode on impact or whatever.

But in 2004 and FSX (some 20 years ago) I remember you were able to use addons which would simulate crashes, wings getting ripped upon impact, flames, smoke etc. We’re talking about sims where 2D cockpit view was the default option and 3D cockpit was only a bonus. Yet you would bump your wing against a skyscraper, break it and have a wingless small C172 spin uncontrollably for seconds before it hit the ground (I had tried this and it was amazing, nevermind that I did it only once because there was no point in repeating but the danger was there, I know I had to be cautious when flying close to trees).

So perhaps just leave the SDKs and APIs open for 3rd parties who may want to emulate such incidents. They don’t have to do it themselves and break potential formal agreements. But with 2024 we’ve gone completely to the other side: we can’t even crash with a black screen and end it there. We have to get resurrected and teleported back to 5000’ whether we want it or not, and without anyone asking for it. Where’s the logic of that in a sim?

It’s a ridiculous feature but this is a game not a simulation, so you get what you get.

Turn on developer mode, turn off crashes, problem solved.

Now, more than ever, we need to hope more people vote on this.

Closed: “By design…”

Crashing an Airplane Results in a “Back on track” Dialog Box and Being Put Back into the air at an Earlier Point in Flight - Bug Reporting Hub / Resolved - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Of all the things this simulator needed to improve upon from 2020, this is the sort of thing they decided to devote resources to.



Unbelievable! Clearly gamifiication of the sim and negletction of the core simmers and for what purpose? we gave enough reasons above why that shouldn’t happen or at the very least without an option. That should be an option at the minimum for “free flight” . First rule of flight sims, “don’t move the cheese”… How can this crash behaviour exists at all in serious flight sim?
“With the community” as claimed…,this along with other issues at this point got msfs2024 two steps forwards, one backwards and three steps sideways

I remember when FS2020 was released, they defend the lack of crash/damage physics because “historically, FS shows a black screen when crash occurs”… And now in 2024 comes this arcade feature, instead of a real physics model with damage, failures, or so. Disappointing.

Optional, sure, but it’s one I would never use. I f’n HATED having my flight reset back to the flight planner screen in FS 2020 after a crash, so I welcomed FS 2024’s method with open arms. Probably the best feature so far, especially when flightseeing near landmarks that have invisible hitboxes that are 500m bigger than the landmark. Try landing a helicopter on top of Devil’s Tower, you’ll see what I mean.

I’d be happy with a button on the crash screen:

  • [ End Flight ]
  • [ Restart ]
  • [ Respawn in a seemingly random location, out of control, for some reason ]


The automatic respawn in the air is a real problem for online ATC especially. And its a little nauseating in VR also…

I agree that being thrown back to the main menu was also tedious. And as a few people in this thread have suggested (including Vibstronium just a moment ago above), simply throwing up a selection window giving a person the option to ‘back on track’ or restart the flight at the origin airport, or return to menu, etc would really be the best solution.

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On screen selection? Yeah, I could agree with that idea.

but the risk of loose dont make the funny at all ?

  • [ End Flight ]
  • [ Restart ]
  • [ Respawn in a seemingly random location, out of control, for some reason ]


(as 2024 sometimes seems more of a game than a sim)

  • [ Game Over ]
  • [ Back to the Skies! ]
  • [ Restart from Checkpoint ]
  • [ Exit and launch MSFS 2020 (hardcore mode) ]
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I think it honestly needs to be fixed it is broken because on the inibuilds A320 it will spawn you back on track and then your airspeed goes from 240 to 0 knots and when you are on final approach and this happens you might as well restart the flight it needs to be 100% optional

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