We need an option to disable 'Back on Track' after crash

Please provide an option to disable ‘Back on Track’ after a crash… Since I can find a bind to trigger this option, that seems to indicate that there was intent for it to be optional – But maybe it got left out by accident?

I certainly understand that some people might want this feature… I just want an option to disable it.


If you crash on ground you will teleport to the sky. This should be optional as well


There have been times with msfs 2020 it has been really annoying to crash and the flight ends especially laung hall or with On Air, but to be honest I agree it is getting really annoying and is actually really ruins the immersion knowing that whatever you do wrong the flight wont end.

I have bound keyboard buttons to enable/disable the feature but they dont work (certainly in world photography mode)


“Back on track” should be 100% optional. Period.

This is supposed to be a flight sim, not Android’s Aircraft Angels 4.


I think it is an improvement, but if making it optional does not mean killing the feature you have my vote.

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This definitely needs to be removed or an option to switch off.


This is a really bizarre and jarring way to handle crashes and definitely needs to be optional.

Or better yet, remove it altogether and go back to what we had: either you crash and your fight ends, or you bounce back into the air and keep going.


Firstly ‘back on track’ should be optional, disabled by default.
Secondly, if ‘back on track’ is disabled after the crash we should get free cam to admire our achievement.


Why should it be optional? , if you crash what would hold you to go back to main menu or restart flight ?

Perhaps on crash a menu could pop up offering either “back on track”, “restart flight”, “exit to main menu”?

I actually like the new “back on track” feature, it’s a good way to understand where the overstress limits of various aircraft are without having to restart the entire flight every time


Because it’s mainly supposed to be a sim, not a game.

And sims don’t work like that. Back On Track is a game feature. It can be useful for a simmer if they’re experimenting with stuff, but in most cases it’s not a desired feature. Otherwise people (even casual gamers) would have asked for it earlier instead of just disabling crash detection.

So yeah, this would be the ideal option:

Perhaps on crash a menu could pop up offering either “back on track”, “restart flight”, “exit to main menu”?


We need a setting it you want this or not. And a state to ask the user at the moment you the want to be spawn back or not.

It should be optional because if I wanted to turn damage off, I could turn damage off.

Forcing “back on track” is effectively the exact same control as turning damage off, which I also do not do.


I see now, i vote for this now.

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The crash behavior is so much better now, after 4 years of having it disabled because of its utter uselessness I leave it enabled… but still it should be optional to throw me back in the air.
I want to crash land… I am out of fuel or got engine damaged etc and I have spotted a difficult strip of land to land… let me land and see how it goes. If it goes wrong… I can press my self that key that “puts me back in the air”.


Yes. I hope this is added ASAP. Perhaps after crashing there can be a 10 second count allowing you to hit a key to “respawn” back in the air.


I really don’t like it.

Yep, MUST be made an optional feature .This is a clear regression compared to MSFS2020 and ANY other sim, and this is far more than just a “cosmetic” feature from the reasons I will mention below. I fully agree with the reasons mentioned above and I would add the following:

  • VATSIM/online flying - if you accidently crash you will immediately teleport perhaps into other aircraft or their path, causing mayhem for the ATC and others. Are we expected now to panically shutdown the sim/computer right at the crash?? with MSFS2020 the sim stops but at least we don’t disrupt anyone and we can calmly and clearly communicate with the ATC that we crashed and we are exiting/restarting.
  • “Immortality syndrome” - For those who strive for realism and consequences of mishaps, if you know that you will crash and will have to restart the flight all over again, you will have much more care to avoid crashes and being reckless. That’s just luring your subconscious/conscious to be less afraid of a crash, knowing that in the worst case the sim will get you “back on track”.
  • Promotion of “bad habits” - as IRL pilot, I strive for realism at all costs when flying in the sim, knowing that the sim can create “negative habits” when over time you neglect things that will never happen/fail.
  • Essentially disables the crash detection option - pretty clear, crashes used to end the simulation, now they don’t. Crash detection are nearly useless now.

Please understand the needs of the core simmers, and don’t not force new behaviors without an option. Thanks


I am really confused why this “feature” has been forced upon us when I don’t recall a single soul asking for anything of the sort.

Worse, now are we in a situation where we are stuck with it and have to beg via wishlist to have it made optional.



In addition, they are constantly saying by the simmers for the simmers.
I don’t get it.
Instead of baking everything into the Sim give us the ability to disable everything