I just tried FS2020 without VR… IT is like a football player without legs…
WHEN??? When we get VR support for all headsets??? If I knew this take so long,
I didn’t buy till no VR support! PLease HURRY UP!!!
I just tried FS2020 without VR… IT is like a football player without legs…
WHEN??? When we get VR support for all headsets??? If I knew this take so long,
I didn’t buy till no VR support! PLease HURRY UP!!!
What’s the point to use VR if all the planes have different issues and bugs. Are you going to use VR for drone flying?
Please, don’t use “WE”, don’t speak for others.
That said, The game is broken, nothing is working the way it should. They are building the VR thing but it will take time. Please, no more broken pieces for this game. Lets have patience, don’t buy it if you don’t want to, nobody forces you and they will not go bankrupt because of you.
No, we want all the default planes to have working avionics.
“WE” Who join this topic, the others can make different topics, please if you don’t use VR or not interested, leave this topic. I have bought 'coz they said that will be VR till end of this year…Seems to
late, not? So maybe I’m misleased. For “US” Vr is much more important than other things…So, who are not interested VR - please leave. “We” didn’t comment on other topics either, please respect it.
I dont want VR at all, and NO its working just fine as it is, and it will get better with time, i really dont know what you expect, go fly Xplane if MSF2020 isnt good enough for you, but dont complain because XPplane has even bigger problems as Laminar is just focusing on mobile version, fix your computer and ■■■■.
Hi gyurmak,
MS/Asobo are currently “as we speak” working on VR. There is a beta VR test team in the works supporting the efforts in preparation for a release hopefully by the end of the year. Should not be to much longer.
I AM keen on getting MSFS2020 VR support 'cause helicopter flying profits a lot from having that third dimension. I have the HP Reverb G2 on order and should get it within the next 3 weeks (as I was told by my dealer) … am looking forward to - again - be part of the beta …
Sometimes I feel like in the ZOO. I have Xplane also, and yes, I have flown with hundreds of hrs with XP11. Asosbo promised VR as well till end of this year, that’s why I purchased. By the way I was in the part of the base game alpha. I rellay don’t know what are U talking about… Please ONLY appreciable comments if possible.
VR is a work in progress - hence why we now have an ongoing VR Beta - testing to invited users is in progress. While I understand it’s a pressing issue for some users who enjoy flying in VR, you’ll need to wait a little longer until the development team think it’s ready for public launch.
I have to wonder who “We” is, do mean you want VR?, I want a stable sim before they do anything else.
Anyone can join the topic. Anyone can give an opinion. This forum is democratic, you can make this post in the wishlist and people could cast a vote for your request. Indeed, there are request already made, and people is already voting to have VR, but well, the VR thing is already in development and it will come in the near future, so no point on keeping this post alive.
Please, read the forum and use the search button.
Hi There!
Finally a comment that this topic has made for…THX! Yes I know they are testing alpha already on WMR and G2 sets, but on the other sets still no info about support release. I think they have been delayed 'coz of G2 sets delay…
I don’t think anyone has the information to comment on when their specific launch day is or why. I do imagine they would want to test as many VR peripherals in the progress, especially brand new to market items, to ensure no immediate hiccups on release.
Anyone can join any topic and give comments, but that is not understandable why people need talking on something they are not interested. I didn’t comment any of other topics about fixing other issues in the game. Do you understand?
I got my VR invite yesterday (wave 2), but still no access unfortunately. I was hoping I’d have it this morning, but no such luck. But at this rate and how quick the main MSFS beta was I bet the public release is coming very soon.
Hope so! I really think the case of delay at Asobo should be 'coz th G2 delay…
Hey there, information on the other headsets was actually released yesterday [BLOG] November 12th, 2020 Development Update - Community / News and Announcements - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
VR Beta Phase 2 - which includes the non WMR headsets. As a CV1 owner (waiting for G2 to arrive) I’m looking forward to finally get my hands on VR
IF you get into beta
Yes, I have the G2 on order as well… beta or not, we will be ready with a great headset.