Weather - Metar screen - No metar available at Destination

The weather Pull down screen allows for the display of Metars

One can select the departure airport, and get its Metar

But if you select the Destination Airport Metar, it reports NOT Available (when , as in this case, Boston clearly would have a Metar)

At least this Metar feature should be able to get the Metar for the Destination Airport, no matter how far away it is ?

Also, , where is this screen getting its Metar data from, the local sim, the MS servers, or real world Metars from some Metar Website ?
( kind of important to know this? )

SU8 Beta 2

I also noticed, if “Live Weather” options disable the weather toolbar icon in-flight, then METAR becomes inaccessible!

Missed this use-case: access METAR when “Live Weather” disables weather toolbar.

I noticed if I “Request Vector to Waypoint”, it actually kicked loose the winds aloft and perhaps the METAR (don’t recall atm).

Moved to #self-service:weather

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