Weird issue


Issue has been fixed.

Some how the bing maps feature got turned off, and something went south with my cachet. I cleared the cachet and set bing maps… BOOM works amazingly. That with a few tweaks and this sim is coming together nicely.

Has anyone else experienced a weird issue with the scenery. When I first started VR the FPS was terrible but the scenery looked good. Now the FPS is great and performance is great but the scenery is extremely low quality. The weird part is that things are not meshing up right, the flat runways are rounded and the planes roll back fast when sitting. Also the ground crews disappeared after a while as well as the rain windshield effects. But the crazy part is the interior of the plane is crystal clear and my FPS is close to 60. The water is hyper realistic and all the lighting and shadows are on point. But the scenery is all AI generated. Not sure what happened everything was good at release but changed for some reason. I’m good with the performance but the scenery sucks. Anyone else have these issues?

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Hi, you will find that when you updated it adjusted all your graphic settings to low. It certainly did with mine & I’ve read other comments saying the same thing.

One thing I’ve noticed… everytime I activate VR (Reverb G2) MSFS is very slow & choppy… however it smooths out after a minute or two. I’ve learnt that it’s best to sit and wait for a couple of minutes before taxiing.


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The crazy part is how things disappear as I am playing. The rain on the windshield was working fine then just stoped same with the ground crews. But the interior of the planes are like on ultra, I can read everything including the warning labels. The disappointing part is that landmarks are unrecognizable like Disney, I flew over it for 45min looking for the park before I realized it wasn’t generated. But things like parking lots, I could see the spaces at 2000 feet, and the water texture is on point. Not sure why the planes are rolling backwards though.

There are certainly a few bugs with this one… like the large hills/mountains which appear everywhere (in the UK at least) don’t know if you’ve seen them.

With mine, it wasn’t just the graphics that had been changed. The traffic…ground crew…everything basically was set to off or the minimum settings.

Despite all these though… I’m loving the VR experience


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Same. To be honest it is still very functional and enjoyable.

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I have a Intel ® Core ™ i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz| 32 GB RAM |NVidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU |SSD 1TB and find it’s super choppy. I’ll let it sit for a bit and see if that helps! I think it might be time to upgrade my computer. I am currently using Oculus Rift so may need to upgrade that at some point as well.

Until a few months ago I was using the Rift (CV1) with an I7-7700k
and it worked extremely well… but I wasn’t running MSFS with it of course.
I have to wait about two minutes (I haven’t timed it though) and then it’s fine. I’ve got most settings on ultra. I’ve got rendering on 60 at the moment though. I did try it on 100 but it was too jerky.
I also keep traffic airport vehicles etc down to 30-50%


I am using an Odyssey + by the way

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