Welcome to Virtual FIN: Your virtual door for Europe!

Hey Pilots,

we are pleased to announce the reopening of Virtual FIN - your ultimate choice for virtual flying in all popular simulators such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, FSX, P3D or X-Plane. As the latest addition to virtual aviation, we offer a fully rounded flying experience for all enthusiasts, based on one of the safest airlines in the world, Finnair. At Virtual FIN, our goal is clear:

We want to make the fascination of flying accessible to everyone. With a wide range of destinations around the world and a modern fleet of aircraft, we offer you the opportunity to explore the world’s most breathtaking places without leaving your computer.

Homepage: https://www.virtual-fin.eu
Discord: Virtual FIN

As part of our Virtual FIN community, communication is our top priority, only those who communicate can be helped, so join our Discord. You also have the opportunity to take part in exciting events and competitions to put your skills to the test. Prepare to explore the world from above and visit unforgettable airports and cities.

Join Virtual FIN today and experience the fascination of flying like never before! Come to our new homepage and find out more! With our modern and unique design as well as the latest technology, we stand out from the crowd and therefore offer you a perfect identification option with Virtual FIN.

Best Regards
Thorsten Sass & Virtual FIN Team