JAPANFLUG III - The Italian Job
Mussolini wanted to stage a propaganda coup with the first Axis flight to Japan, the 3-engine Savoia SM 75 (here Ju-52, in green suede shoes camo… ) was up to the task.
Savoia-Marchetti SM.75 Marsupiale - Wikipedia
For a test of the Alfa-Romeo (!) engines it flew first from Italian-Libyan Bengazi to British-occupied Asmara (capital of the Italian colony Eritrea) - to drop “hold on” leaflets:
On May 8th 1942, 17:30 local, Pilot Paradisi started, was on target at sunrise, after 7000km landed on Rome-Ciampino at 21:35.
Purists will go for nocturnal nav over the desert, friends of the Sahara ( SAHARA ORIENTAL: east to west - Microsoft Flight Simulator / Screenshots & World Discovery - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums) change history and enjoy the colourful VFR-sands both ways.
PION_JapanF_asmara.PLN (3.5 KB)
Now verything was set for the real thing:
June 30th 1942 20:00 local, Pilot Moscatelli started in German-held Ukraine (yes, near todays Russia-occupied Nuclear Power Plant…) for a 6000km trip to Japanese puppet-state Manchukuo.
They encountered flak, sandstorms, always staying low, but had to climb to 5000m along some mountain ridges before landing after 21 hours - in the dark.
PION_JapanF_italy.PLN (3.9 KB)
After a refill it was an easy flight to Tokyo via Beijing and Seoul - and after the celebrations - the same route back on July 18th. Moscatelli and crew got a big hug and medals from “il Duce” in Rome.
PION_JapanF_tokyo.PLN (2.7 KB)
last post on the subject will be the Japanese flight to Berlin …