đź“ŚWest Nusa Tenggara - Indonesia

Welcome to event number 160 in the Gunpilot’s Challenging Flights series.

This week we are in Indonesia, heading east from the island of Lombok.

Along the way we will be touching down around the craters of some volcanoes, and completing some interesting flying challenges such as flying under bridges, touch and goes, and some idle throttle glides. The weather will be a big improvement on last weeks epic flight thru PNG, although there will be some cloud along the way to negotiate

We will be in the Cessna Grand Caravan for this flight.

*Again, a packaged up WEATHER file has been developed and included along with the flight plan, negating any need for anyone to dial in weather settings, as well as ensuring that all pilots are experiencing exactly the same weather conditions. The Weather Preset file is located in #gunpilots-events (click GUNPILOT’s Server to be taken there). Extract file into your Community Folder prior to launching your sim for the flight.

When: FRIDAY 8th December @ 2300UTC**


Flight Duration: Approx 3hrs (depending on numbers attending)

Aircraft: Cessna Grand Caravan


Discord Server: GUNPILOT’s Server . Click on this link and you will be sent a very welcoming INVITE that will enable you to fully participate in the radio chatter with all the other pilots in the flight

Voice Chat accessed by clicking on Comms Radio
(GUNPILOT’s Server ). If you are going to fly with us, ensure to join into the chatter on Comms Radio. If you don’t then you will miss out on a number of challenges that are given over the radio and you will have no idea what is going down.

West Nusa Tenggara…Indonesia.lnmpln (6.1 KB)

West Nusa Tenggara…Indonesia.pln (6.8 KB)

Remember to click on this discord link to grab the weather file designed for this adventure flight GUNPILOT's Server