What 3rd party plane do you fly the most?

You can include FBWA320, WT CJ4 and other modded MSFS planes.

I fly the Just Flight Arrows followed by the WT CJ4 the most. I wish there were other businesses jets in the game.

Carenado C170B

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SC/DC DESIGNS F16 all the time :v::airplane:

Definitely the FBW A320NX.

Although the CJ4 is amazing, too. Close second.

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Mostly the Kodiak 100, lately.


Kodiak 100


Milviz PC-6 Porter Tundra and Freedom Fox


H145, FBW, Longitude

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Grravel, Kit Fox, Kodiak.

Kodiak mostly as of late, although the WT CJ4 is my goto for long distance.

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That’s me as well, in third place the DC6

I am ashamed to say that I bought this during their sale and have never flown it. I will give it a try (the C107 Cessna). I have been on the fence with the Kodiak and F16.

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Nearly 100 hours in JF Arrow
35 in Kodiak
Around 25 in DC-6

Those are the big 3. Of late the Kodiak but I’m planning more trips in the DC-6.

As an Xbox user, I’ve got pretty limited options. What I like about the C170B is its styling (man, that polished aluminum w/dark blue livery is awesome!) and 1950’s instrument panel.

I like the challenge of a tail dragger. I like the bare-bones equipment. I can’t be tempted to engage an autopilot that isn’t there. I also keep the Garmin hidden and just fly it old school.


I love the looks of it. It reminds me of a 50s or 60s car interior. I fly the modded 152 for this reason when I don’t want gps.

  • DC Designs F-14 Tomcat
  • NextGen Simulations EMB-110 Bandeirante

mostly pmdg dc-6

FBW and CJ4. All of my GA. I have all the 3rd party GA except the Electra wich I refunded, and no viruacol stuff.

The lack of airliners at the FBW level at least along with no >= FBW long hau planes has sent me back to X-Plane even though I deleted it a few months ago.

No disrespect but the 797HD and 747 Salty isn’t for me, I need much from my airliners to be content to fly them.

JustFlight Turbo Arrow

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I will be doing this, too, once it returns to my Xbox. I do visit with it on my PC though.

What an awesome aircraft!