What actually creates turbulence? Another Stupid Question

Hi there, What actually creates turbulence? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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this is physics; you should google to get the proper definition


In general a change in velocity or direction of the airmass which can be vertical motion of the air due to convection, frontal uplift or orographic uplift. A change in horizontal velocity or direction of the wind or a change in wind speed / direction over altitude so when climbing or descending into an air mass with a different wind speed or direction. Or a combination of the above which can be due to obstacles, buildings, hills, mountains for example in the boundary layer (called mechanical turbulence). Turbulence can also happen in clear air, so called Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) associated with jet streams or mountain waves for example. In short, when the air is “disturbed”.

  • Horizontal windshear (change in wind direction and / or speed over horizontal distance).
  • Vertical windshear (change in wind direction and / or speed over altitude).
  • Shearing of the vertical wind (up / downdraughts).
  • Combination of the above.
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Winds aloft.

One interesting thing, I think, about MSFS is that Mechanical Turbulence is actually modelled, I.e. based on modeled particles flowing around objects/mountains. It isn’t just a random shake added to the plane’s motion.

Yes, they have explained this in their Aerodynamics Feature Discovery video:

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Correct I have flown to a couple of mountaineous airports I’ve visited in real life and I was surprised to find turbulence, up and down draughts at the right spots in the sim.

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