What airport do you fly to/from most often?

What airport do you mostly fly to in MSFS? Why do you like the airport so much?

I fly to KDTW most often because, in real life, I am at that airport all of the time.


I generally tend to visit an airport only once.
With over 42k to chose from, why not go somewhere new :slight_smile:


I do visit multiple airports, but KDTW is my “hub”

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I mostly fly GA, so I fly out of KRUQ the most as I live right beside it. If I happen to fly an airliner, I’ll be flying out of KCLT. I keep track of where my various aircraft are, so they always fly out of wherever they last flew to. KRUQ is also my testing airport for new aircraft.


Personal Comments

It’s easier to answer which From Airport rather than To. In my case, it’s KBID, KUUU, and if it’s jets, KPVD.


KBVY and it is an absolute a FPS death hole, tiny little place just north of Boston, mostly GA a few small jets

best part of it is there’s a car park behind a business that over looks it

SBBI. This is where I started loving airplanes and where I flew for the first time (a panoramic flight in a PA-28). When I was a teenager I bought a radio receiver and kept listening to ATC and looking from my home planes entering the downwind of the 36 runway and practicing touch and go. I also saw the Brazilian Air Force aerobatics team presentations there many times.
I chose this location to create my first immersive VR video:


KATL as my main tube liner hub and KRYY for GA.

KGED -,Georgetown Delaware. Near where some family lives.

I fly out of 9D4 Deck airport in Myerstown, Pa or KMDT, Harrisburg Pa

A few of my favorites for GA flight:

  • KSNA John Wayne - the main airport for Orange County, CA just outside Los Angeles. IRL this is busy with both airliners and GA planes, making it fun for IFR and VFR flights alike! I use UK2000’s scenery for this airport, but there’s a good free one too.
  • KBUR - my other main stop in the LA area, north of downtown. There’s some obstacles with a hill nearby which make the approach interesting. Beware that there’s a high density of airports, and Orbx’s v2.0 KBUR scenery is super memory hungry. (I run the v1.0 KBUR which has lower resolution textures and models.)
  • L35 Big Bear - up in the mountains northeast of LA and Riverside, there’s a lovely lake and town within comfortable flying distance. The airfield’s around 6,500’, so you exercise your mixture lever in non-turbo pistons. The C172 climbs out of here so slowly:wink: There’s a very good free scenery on flightsim.to which I recommend.
  • 7S3 Stark’s Twin Oaks - a small airfield near Portland, OR popular with the local flight enthusiasts. Default scenery’s not great but it’s fun that I’ve been there IRL, and is a great starting or ending point for Oregon/Washington GA flights. There’s a free scenery for it too but the hangars have never worked right for me.

KLRG and 03ME

NZGS, Gisborne Airport New Zealand

Where trains Cross the Main Runway .


Like you, KDTW is my virtual hub. I live in upstate New York, and Delta is our primary airline service. (We also have Allegiant, but they only go to Florida). If I fly anywhere else in r/w, I always have to go to Detroit first.

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this is a good question - do we tend to fly using all of the available scenery - or do we tend to fly ‘familiar grounds’
For a couple of reasons I find myself staying in California and the PNW - up to western / coastal Alaska…and Hawaii
One reason is that it’s the area I am most familiar with. Another is that the rather large region has every kind of topography imaginable, coastal, mountainous, agricultural, and also provides weather variables of every kind…except hurricanes (so far)
The biggest reason though is that I have noticed that staying in a general area means I can cache the scenery and enjoy better FPS, (I see the revolving swirly thinger in the lower right corner of my screen while flying far LESS often) than when I maybe load the FI Spitfire and fly along Dover the odd time or two - I am a fan of Peter Townsends book after all

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KPHX is my hub. I live less than 10 miles from it.

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KROA my home airport.
From there anywhere along the east coast, south, west & north.
Cj4, TBM & KA 350 I my favorites birds to fly.

almost exclusively from ENGM, to various places in europe.
very often ENGM → ESSA

usually sitting in the 737 at the gates at ENGM.

My hubs are Greater Rochester International KROC, Williamson Sodus KSDC, Beaver Island Airport KSJX, and Savannah Hilton Head Internal KSAV,

KAUS…'cause that’s home.

Boston Logan (first because I’ve often flown out of it and 2nd because the Fly Tampa KBOS is just so freakin’ awesome) and Providence. KPVD is pretty much my go to airport for most domestic travel, (I get to avoid the horrid Boston traffic, cheap and convenient parking, easy to get through TSA, etc). Now if someone would do an upgrade to replace the ■■■■■■ stock PVD, I would be quite pleased.