What are the correct procedures for VOR approach

I’m really getting into VOR and NDB stuff over the last three or four months after 20 or so years of mindless flying or flick of the AP switch and then making dinner and do the chores…

Wow it’s made me fall in love again with flight siming…!!! Especially now with navigraph

Just a question…

VOR approaches
When to do that over head one and when to use the ARC… and the correct way of flying that arc…

I’ve just been wating till I hit 10NM (using navigraph live map a few times… Okay maybe most of the time…) and I just fly manually/using the ap heading mode and turning the plane constantly until I get the to the final approach point…
I see that some people talk about a 90 degrees and 10 degrees and something about starting the arc at the very beginning or ATC saying something about D270 etc
What I am currently doing regarding the arc approaches I’m guessing it’s wrong?
Love more help getting my head around this

Welcome to the wonderfull world of approach chart’s , if you only fly in the US your lucky , go add this website to your favorites : http://www.airnav.com/
Here you can download any approach chart of any US airport … just enter the ICAO code for the airport and you get a list of possible approach charts for that airport.

Since ATC is a mess , do not rely on ATC to guide you towards the runway , use a approach chart and do it yourself…

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Both P Gatcomb and Kip On The Ground have great tutorials on this.


Thanks heaps for the links guy’s much appreciated!! It is so much fun doing these flights and it has opened up a whole new world!!

Going from the above picture as an example… How do these all relate and what to do at each of these points?
A) When would I follow this approach?
B/C) If I’m at one of these points I currently just follow the curve (sometimes literally while watching this I’m guessing in real life there would be no little moving arrow icon that you can see on your paper map) But I am trying not to go back to navigraph and just keep an eye on the distance. Is this the correct procedure? If you are coming in from directly point B can you basically do a direct approach…
D) What direction do I go if I am at this point? Left or right?
And finally the question mark what does this point mean exactly is there anything I need to know about this D267L

Thank you so much guys!!!