What are the graphic settings that have the most impact in FPS?

Here you go. In this thread there are a lot of explanations and instructions on how to get things set. Really try to take in everything as far as not only which settings to adjust, but also how to check that the settings you are adjusting are doing what you want them to do.

It is a very long read, and a lot of information can be found in follow-up questions from other users.

Try to get through the whole thing, though. Once you figure out what setting does what, and play with it for a while, you will find that there is no setting combination or pre-determined levels that you can apply that fit your build. All PCs are different, and your results after tuning will be your own. All of the settings’ levels or numbers posted are for reference only, and many of them no longer apply since updates to the sim have been applied.

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