What are the sensitivity settings for the Thrustmaster Tca Throttle Quadrant and side stick for Asbo A320?

I don’t understand why you only have sensitivity and dead zone options? These are the settings I use but I appreciate they are of no use to you if you can’t access them.

It might be a good idea to unplug your sidestick and reconnect it, hopefully the default profile will be loaded for you.

do you atleast have the settings for throttle quadrant?

The TCA Throttle Quadrant is a separate component, your screen shot shows the TCA Sidestick? I only have the sidestick, the settings for which are shown in my screen shot; the throttle axis is slider X on the far right. Are you on PC or X Box?

i am pc, i can’t seem to find a good quadrant sensitivity

When you say “quadrant sensitivity” I think you are referring to the throttle lever travel not being smooth? These TCA Sidesticks can suffer from noisy throttle contacts which means the lever is seen to move in a jittery fashion in the cockpit, this can usually be reduced by moving the joystick lever back and forth over its range before starting up your engines. The sensitivity curve for the throttle is normally linear, as shown in your screen shot, so it’s doubtful that needs changing.

I don’t understand why you don’t have all the settings you should have in the Sensitivity menu, and axes X and Y (Roll and Pitch) do not have their null point in the middle at the dead zone. It seems likely that your joystick is either not properly set up in Windows, maybe has a corrupted driver or possibly a physical fault.

Have a look at your Thrustmaster Flight Control Panel Properties. You’ll find it in the Windows Start menu under Thrustmaster TM Fight Series, then click on Control Panel, Game Controllers, TA320 Copilot, then Properties. A window will open where you can test the joystick parameters.

Once you have cleared your problems with the Quadrant as suggested by [Silentrover4182] you may try my personal settings for the Asobo A320 and B787 (they are a little different for the FBW A320).
On the Throttle axis X and Y the lower part of the curves is referred to the Forward thrust while the upper part is referred to the Reverse.
I feel comfortable with them but you may do changes to fit your personal needs.

my quadrant works but it the indents dont match the same in the sim

It looks like you need to do the Quadrant Calibration. If you go to the Thrustmaster site you’ll find a file where they explain how to calibrate it. They also have a very useful you-tube video to explain the process.You have to follow the steps very carefully and maybe repeat it .Easy to miss a step by not pushing the right buttons like the two square black buttons below the engines levers.

i got it fixed can i see you throttle mode if you are using axis 1 and axis to or 0-100?

i mean like it is all over the place i need the one for the Asobo A320

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Hope it helps

still can’t get detents to work the same like on the sim :frowning_face:

To set the detents you must follow the you-tube procedure posted above.Try again. I did it 3 times before I could set it up correctly. Check the video again and note that at the first step,after moving the levers back to reverse, you should only press one black square button placed on the right side.(this is not so clear from the vid as it looks like they press 2 buttons–being the left hand partially hidden by the device)

ok its working now thanks

Having the same problem right now just about one year after your post. Trying to figure out sensitivity settings for the TM Airbus throttle quadrant engine 1 and 2 only. :man_shrugging:t5: