I’ve been thinking about getting a Loupedeck after seeing it in use on YouTube.
I built a button box. Got a small project box from Amazon, a Leo Bodnar BB-32 input board, 3 dual rotary encoders from Propwash Simulations, and six pushbuttons from one of the commercial vendors.
I feed this all into SPAD.next, where it’s programmmed to take care of the nav/com radios and common GPS pushbuttons, reconfigurable for analog, GNS430/530, GTN650/750, and G1000. I can go further with it for other aircraft types, but this suits 95% of my simming.
I augment this with the switch and multi panels from Logitech that handle common GA aircraft systems, lights, and autopilot functions.
Anything left over is handled by a Streamdeck Plus that is configurable (through SPAD again) for one-off aircraft system things like climate control, fuel control, electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, and more nav radio stuff like ADF, DME, and transponder. Stuff that you don’t normally touch a lot, but makes for hard mouse clicking, especially when you’re single pilot in IMC.
Otherwise, some things are completely suitable for mouse clicking, especially if they’re simple pushbutton and in the middle of the panel. It’s the periphery of the panel and/or rotary dials that are the biggest opportunities to overcome.
I will soon be adding some more knobs to the button box. I just picked up a BB-64 from Bodnar, which I’ll swap for the 32, and a few more encoders, including a 4-way switch with rotary for the pan/range knob of the G1000. I just needed more inputs to make that work.
The Octavi can now be (pre-) ordered via Aerosoft