What are you using for knob simulation?


What are you using for knob simulation?
For what I found so far is this:

and this (not out yet):

What else is on the market and is compatible with FS2020?


try the Behringer X-touch mini. It’s actually designed for music mixing, but with USB connection and Spad.next is perfect for flt sim


Knobster is pretty good.

Is FS2020 compatible?
I cannot see that information anywhere.

Are there any instructions how to implement this in FS2020?

Moved to #self-service:pc-hardware

I have an (very) old VRInsigh mPanel. I’m looking for a solution with this factor size, because room at my desk is limited, with an INNER/OUTER knob and unfortunately the Octavi hasn’t reach yet the Kickstarter process… So, it’s going to be a long road.

Take a closer look on my hardware list, possibly you find something:
Comprehesive list of HW & SW Addons for Cockpit builders

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Air Manager with a knobster is the most versatile.

If you’ve got SPAD you’ll find a number of excellent YouTube videos by Les O’Reilly who must be the guru of SPAD/FS2020. Once you get the hang of mapping the keys it becomes a most useful tool making flying really good and I’ve almost got all functions covered without using the mouse now

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It is on PC with third party software. AAO and SPAD work by interfacing with the sim directly, though there is also more general utility software that allow you to map MIDI controller functions to keyboard keys. But it’s really fuss free with AAO/SPAD.

To be honest I’d recommend AAO over SPAD. It might look less modern at glance but SPADs interface was too much menu-within-a-menu-within-menu and AAO is generally better featured (I don’t think SPAD supports BVARs yet?).

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Pretty tough to beat Knobsters with Air Manager / touch panels.


I have 2 Stream Deck X:s, 2 Xtouch Mini, and a Class Echo … and a Mouse gathering dust …

The recently acquired Class Echo is Spad, the Stream decks and the X-touch MIni I have running under AAO

If you have a registered version of FSUIPC I believe LINDA (freeware) works with VRInsight panels.

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I have been using an Axair controller (MIAP) for over a year now and it works with MSFS without AAO for Spad . Highly recommended. AXAIR MIAP PC - AXBOX SHOP

looks similar to Octavi. Will check the website of the Axair controller. thanks for pointing that out.
however, Octavi has today launched their Kickstarter.

Knobster was already mentioned, however, heres a link which shows the use case: KnobFS: Free Plugin for Msfs VR - YouTube
But in my case Knobster is too expensive (Sim Innovations - Knobster)

I have selfmade dual Encoder as Joystick made with an Arduino Pro Micro flashed by MMJoy2, a very versatile software.

In VR I use Axis and Ohs to switch the focus of values I want to change by voice.
I say “Focus Heading” ot “Focus NAV1” to set the virtual focus on these controls and then change it by turning and clicking my Encoder.

So I do not have any adidtion artificial Elements in VR and this solution costs about 15,- EUR plus the price for AAO, which is about 22,- EUR.

Hi there. Sorry to bring up an old discussion. But will the axiar work at controlling the GPS knobs as well as autopilot and readily ?
Thank you for your time.

Hi, DerAbt4803,

Would this solution work with the Knobster? If so, could you explain how, for example, to set focus to Heading, and any programming necessary for the dual encoder? I have Voice Attack.

Thanks very much,

I do not own an genuine knobster, so I do not know, how it appears in AaO, but I believe it is reccognized by AaO and it should work, because there is a knobster plugin for AaO.
In general I define a global variable that holds a number, which represenst the item I want to change.
Then I write little scripts for all voice commands I want to use. I define the voice commands and assign them to their script.
I write two scripts for the outer knob ( I believe - or 4 with 2 additional scripts for faster changes) one for increment, one for decrement and two or 4 scritps for the inner knob.
Inside these scripts is a long list of all cases what could be changed.
In the case of increase like:
if myInput == 1 then set BARO=BARO+1
elseif myInput == 2 then set ALTITUDE= ALTIUDE+100

This is not the correct AaO script syntax, it is just an schematic example!
When the knobster is turned, the inc or dec script is called.
Before that You set myInput to a value by voice.
Saying “Set Altitude” would make myInput to 2.

So it works…

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