What are your "Must Have" Add Ons for MSFS?

PSXseeconTraffic + RealTraffic
AIG aircraft

Little NavMap
SeaFront Simulation Boats
AeroSoft Simple Traffic - Replaces generic tricolor liveries with nice liveries

Depending whether or not you consider them addons, all the World Updates are “must have” for me.

Other than that, the one addon I really can’t live without is Flight Tracker by @NguyenQHy. This free addon turns an Elgato Stream Deck into a programmable flight control setup, allowing you to create and customize all kinds of dynamic displays and switches. I personally have mine setup to control the autopilot, NAV/COM radios, and transponder, and to display the status of various aircraft functions such as gear up/down, flaps position, parking brake on/off, pitot heat on/off, and more.


For the most part, I think “Must Haves” are things of general application, that improve your experience regardless of what you’re flying or where. I ain’t gonna tell you that you MUST HAVE a certain plane because there, tastes differ.

  1. Navigraph charts subscription (which includes SimBrief access). Seriously, this SO helpful in so many ways. Even if your plane lacks glass that can pull the charts up on your panel, you can still bring it up from the toolbar in any plane like you can the default VFR map.

  2. PMS50’s GTN750 with lifetime subscription. The GTN750/650 is SO much better than the GNS530/430 that’s it’s totally worth the money. And the PMS50 version, while not QUITE as technically accurate in all features as the TDS version (which is based on the Garmin trainer) and is also rather more expensive, is worth it because it allows access to your Navigraph subscription, so you get up-to-date charts globally on-panel instead of in the pop-up. The TDS version only has US charts and they’re rather out-of-date. Now, if you don’t mind using Navigraph in a pop-up instead of on-panel, then sure, get the TDS version. But I want the charts on-panel and I’m willing to pay for that.

  3. PMS50 GNS530/430 Improvement Mod. This is freeware and is WAY better than the default version. It’s like how the WT G1000Nxi used to be an improvement of the default G1000 before SUX. So, for ALL the default planes and Local Legends/Famous Fliers with the 530/430 stack for which your GNS750/650 won’t work, you can at least make the 530/430 more tolerable.

  4. Zinertek Enhanced Airport Graphics. This replaces the rather bright and shiny runways and taxiways with textures that look way more realistic. It applies to every paved, generic airport, so you get a LOT of benefit for a very small price. Seriously, this is about the best value for your money on the marketplace.

  5. All the Working Title mods. Since SUX, the WTG1000Nxi is now the standard G1000 so that’s no longer an add-on, but there are still 3 more: The G3000 (which bleeds over onto the 5000), the G3X, and the CJ4. Of these, the G3X is probably the most widely applicable to stock planes but the TBM and Longitude are SO MUCH better with the G3000 mod. Gawd, the default versions are bad, bad, bad. And while the CJ4 mod is only applicable to that 1 plane, the default version is SO broken in so many ways that it’s unenjoyable without this mod, even if you rarely fly the thing.

Record,replay mode function for xbox.I wont use msfs until its available .I thought upon buying msfs for xbox that it would be a standard feature .

LOWI Innsbruck (ORBX)
LFEQ Quiberon (FSDreamteam)
LNFC Mont-Dauphin (FSDreamteam)
EHEH Eindhoven (Jetten freeware)

Bijan Seasons
Sofly Weather preset

Blériot Gnome
Granville Brothers Model Z
Zenith CH701 STOL
Top Rudder 103 Solo
FlyingIron Spitfire IXc
Cessna L19 Bird-dog

Sky4sim Pad
On Air Company
Sky Dolly

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I don’t know if being able to deploy spoilers mid-flight is very “realistic.” The Salty mod has a long way to go, that’s for sure

Hi all :slight_smile:

PMDG 737-700,-800
Air Hauler 2
some payware Airports also freeware

What are you talking about? Spoilers have the detent position which partially deploys them to aid in slowing down. Arm, detent, full.


A whole new world out there

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-Air Manager
-All Working Title stuff

The rest are all “nice to have”

It would be nice to have the FSX Style replay back in the SIM not in the Dev. Mode.
And Please add a decent ATC facility.

My list of essentials, starting with what I feel are the best cloud sets. Just amazing work.

Fenix a320
Leonardos fly the maddog
pmdg 737-800
rex accuseason
no toolbar mod

for me, every time i want to use skydolly it crashes me into the ground in front of the airport i just landed on
 don’t know what i’m doing wrong here

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Yes, but to prevent buffeting IRL, the speedbrake lever cannot be moved to “full” in-flight. In the salty 747, this is actually possible, causing the aircraft to descend at a ridiculous 9000 ft per minute when spoilers are out.

I thought you meant deployed in general. Full deployment shouldn’t happen. Just to the detent part.

Absolutely must have:

  • Fenix A320
  • PMDG 737
  • Navigraph
  • AddonsLinker

Must have:

  • FSLTL (and AIG for missing planes)
  • GSX
  • Global AI Ship Traffic
  • We Love VFR
  • Powerlines and Solar Farm
  • Several 3pd airports (Mega Airport Brussels and everything by FlyTampa being my favourites)

Nice to have:

  • Project Lifts
  • An addon to play cabin announcements (forgot the name)
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For me

BlackSquare Caravan
BlackSquare King Air
Pmdg 737/8
FSRealistic Pro
Next Gen Sim E110 (with the Jaydee mod of course)
AIG Traffic
Uhh I think that’s about it I have the occasionally scenery here and there aswell