What can we expect from helicopters?

We have seen sling loading and winch so helicopters seem to have some more attention on next release. But what are really the core improvements on helicopters that we can expect? For those that still think helicopters are realistic I share with you what you can do as of today, with just default controls settings and default helicopters:

A piston engine Cabri can perform a full roll even while flying below 40 knts which is not even close to be possible for real helicopters with aerobatic capabilities. But indeed this is also not possible already with a C152 in game as it will stall as soon as you start to bank. However helicopters don´t appear to be affected by gravity at all. Are we just having eye candy features or a real and proper implementation of helicopter physics?


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You think they we’ll develop a realistic physic for helis and cut out all console players?

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There´s a lot room for improvement without still affecting players. I want to believe that there´s a solution in between a balloon and a real helicopter that someone can still fly using a console. But what we have today is really a bit poor.


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I’m hoping we’ll have helicopters that we can take off vertically from the ground in, then fly around for a wee while until we get bored or reach our destination, at which point we can land vertically, switch off the engine then press ‘escape’ to return to the main menu.

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That seems feasible for another 60$ I would say. Hovever we have just seen helicopters mainly hovering or parked at helipads but flying for a very short period of time on the promo so don´t put your expectations too high just in case.


With so much of the trailer showing heli activities I would certainly hope they’ll take heli simulation to the next level with 2024.


I would hope for better native support, the 407 is especially bad.
However some 3rd party addons lately are pretty good, but i’d like to see DCS level of simulation, for those who want it!
For those on a gamepad or console or not interest in helicopter physics of course a simple or easy mode too.

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