Do you refer to something like this?
If so, there’s been a setting since SU13 now:
- For the AAU_02 update, we made a change to allow control of the cursor with all joysticks, and not only with gamepad. This change had the unintended consequence of causing the central white dot to display when moving the camera or when using a joystick/mouse at the same time. To address the issue, we’ve added 2 new options to allow players to customize the cursor behavior:
- You can access these new options from Options > General Options > Accessibility.
- SHOW THE WHITEDOT CURSOR IN FREELOOK (Default = ON): Display or hide the central white dot cursor when the camera moves.
- ALLOW 2D CURSOR ON ALL PERIPHERALS (Default = OFF) : ON will allow to display the 2D gamepad cursor when using other types of peripherals : joysticks, yokes, etc. When set to OFF, this will be the same behavior as before AAU_02.