Here’s why I think I will play MSFS for years to come. Tonight I watched a video from the Missionary Bush Pilot where he flew from Madiama grass strip (not sure this is spelled right???) in Papua New Guinea to Wewak Airport (AYWK) and on the way he flew over a crashed WWII B25 Bomber remains. I thought I would try to duplicate his flight tonight. I had to start my adventure from Munduku Airport (AYDK) because I could not find the Madiama grass strip in MSFS. After leaving Munduku I headed west for about 22.5 km to the Kuvenmas Lake where I found, cut out of the forest, the Madiama grass strip. After a quick landing there (quite challenging) I took off again for Wewak and low and behold, about half way between, I found the same crashed bomber (see image below). Here is a link to the Missionary Bush Pilot video in case you are interested (
yah i enjoy watching his stuff also,
I only get to it once week or so because of work so I wanted to try out the new Sydney scenery but could not as I now need a 3 hour patch process to download. Should be called MS Patch Simulator.
Hoping one day we wont get a patch on a patch but some real new functionality like VR or helicopters … I can’t wait for that day.
flying to L06 Furnace Creek in Death Valley CA elevation -210 feet. maybe the lowest airstrip in the world? or close to it .
And trolling the forums…again
Nothing. In an attempt to move it to a shiny new NVMe drive, I instead re-installed and mistakenly erased a few .pln’s and flt’s.
A320 Neo (vanilla, no mod) YMML-YPAD.
Aircraft performed well, only hiccup was a runway change from 05 to 23 and when I entered on MCDU it tried to get me to go back to the previous waypoint. I just used heading and VS mode and once glideslope was captured the approach mode kicked in and worked flawlessly.
No strange wing dip bug on short final either. I know people are struggling with that but it hasn’t happened to me. Odd.
Sorry, badly worded. Gatab Lower is at altitude 6.500ft which is quite a climb from HKLY
I flew up along the west coast of Vancouver Island from Victoria to Port Hardy. Tomorrow I’m off around the northern tip of the Island and down the west coast to Tofino
Trying to work my way down the west African coast, from Guinea to Sierra Leone. Not having too much luck with the weather.
It started off ok, with low intermittent cloud I could climb above, and the top layer was too high to be an issue. Trouble was, the lower layer was getting thicker, and I ran the risk of getting stuck above it. By the time I got within about 30 nm of Freetown, I had little choice but to go down, and the low cloud was getting lower still. I ended up landing in Freetown in very poor visibility, basically using the GPS as an ILS. Definitely not proper procedure.
Saw this in Windows Spotlight: Dongchuan District, China
26.127548, 103.104361
And decided to visit in FS 2020
Nice very cool
I went to DisneyLand and World… Both are kind of a disappointment… Melted Castles , etc etc. I hope both areas got some attention in the upcoming update.
I flew with the OnAir plug in from PANC to PAII with my King Air, hauling cargo. It was cloudy so I didn’t take pics but landing on an airfield in Alaska was a blast.
Very pretty!
More iffy adventures, in my efforts to work my way down the west African coast. Today’s trip was intended to take me from Freetown, Sierra Leone, to Monrovia, Liberia. I thought I’d try an early start, in the hope that the weather might be better. An onshore breeze, maybe, though I hadn’t really thought it out. Windy com and Meteoblue didn’t seem to agree as to what I could expect, though I may well have misread something. Anyway, I started from Freetown at dawn, to find the runway in pitch darkness. Having rechecked the time, I was a little baffled, but evidently didn’t think it through enough, as I took off, on the assumption that it would get light soon. I then discovered why it was still dark: thick cloud cover. Oops! If I’d looked up, I’d probably have noticed the lack of stars.
Anyway, I was up, and after dodging low hills I’d forgotten about, but the synthetic vision fortunately hadn’t, I climbed on up, figuring that carrying on as it got light was more sensible than crashing in darkness. Initially, the cloud topped out at maybe 4,000 ft, with a few holes, so it didn’t seem too bad, but as I carried on, the cloud got higher, and denser. As I was passing Bonthe airport I found a hole as the cloud cleared, and ducked back down. What I should have done was land while I had the opportunity. Nope, since the cloud had shown signs of clearing, I carried on towards Liberia. Mistake number two. Predictably, the cloud closed in again, and I found myself down at 1,000 ft, hugging the coastline in very poor visibility. By the time I got to the Liberian border, it was clear that landing at the first opportunity would be wise. Or even turning back. Just a little way on though, there was a small grass strip, Robertsport Airport, so I decided to at least see if I could find it. There was just enough visibility to make a very questionable GPS-assisted landing. Looks like I’m stuck here until the weather clears.
A Gloomy-looking Robertsport. Probably looks much nicer in the sunlight. If they ever get any…
20 miles from Grand Cess airport in West Africa, live weather…
Abot 100miles to my destination, San Pedro (DISP)…weather has been the same since i left Lungi airport (GFLL), constant thunder and lightning…Just down the coast from me, then. In the same murk.
I’ve been looking into the weather around here further, and it seems we are still in the tail end of the rainy season. It will probably clear in a week or two.
I’m trying to fly twice per day, and this is my plan:
First flight: I write a random emoji flag (today , St. pierre Et Miquelon) and I learn something about to this territory in wikipedia (with text to speech) while I’m flying over this place.
Second flight. I’m flying around the world with my Cessna 172, no more than 2 hours flight, from my home town. Today is the #19 flight, from Beirut to Alepo (OLBA-OSAP)