What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

lucky you :)! unfortunately this had no positive impact, every time I use Live weather or a payware airport the game crashes within minutes, not even possible to reach the runway…

I tried that one and it’s not very enjoyable for me in my current state with one busted up leg - I can’t control it with the rudder pedals properly, they are sneeze sensitive and I have them pushed nearly full to one side to stay straight.

I just don’t have the fine ability to control it, unless I have something wrong in my controller settings.

Did another VOR to VOR flight from Ibiza (LEIB) to Menorca (LEMH). I’m starting to feel a bit more confident about how this is done.

edit: Did a back to the main inland flight to Marseille/Provence (LFML), but no pictures of that as it was mostly flying FL200 over endledd blue


Flew Sydney to Brisbane with some gusty conditions along the way. That same weather was also pushing me along on the descent to Brisbane as well.

Enjoy a 5K resolution screenshot:

I can’t fly like that, need even more powerful computer for that. :wink: I swapped over to DX11 this time in VR and seemed more stable.


Airport TPDP (flightsimto)


Did a Fotosession…


Nothing Much Flew the 747 from YSSY to WSSS for fun 6hrs

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What have I done today? The ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■.

DA42 at Lukla airport. Fifth restart was the charm.

1 Attempt.
Impossible to know what happened. I do all the procedures but when I enter the runway all the screens turn off.

2 Attempt.
Same procedures. Same place. This time the push back wanted to touch my balls. It didn’t tow me. It was literally going through the plane from every possible angle and shaking.

3 Attempt.
Same procedures. Same place. Now pushback works. Too bad the plane only responds to one side. It turns to the left on the ground. Impossible to enter the runway like that (both engines were running).

4 Attempt.
Same procedures. Same place. Now pushback works. The plane is going straight! I’m going to enter the runway and take CTD! Let’s go.

5 Attempt.
I just had to get it to fly.
Same procedures. Same place. Now the pushback works. The plane is going straight! The plane does not pick up the landing gear. I go into configuration, change the profile and put it back to the way it was. Now it works. Finally it works. 35 minutes later.
I fly for 10 minutes until the plane stalls at 15000 feet.

Inspired by Chris Palmer’s final leg (better known as Angle of Attack on YouTube), I decided to fly from Northway all the way to Homer, Alaska.
In the middle of the flight I flew over Thompson Pass and landed for refueling at PAGK Gulkana and a second time at PAVD Valdez.
From Valdez to Homer I’ll fly over Chugach National Forest and then Moose Pass, Crown Point and Cooper Landing (Kenai Lake).




Lukla airport. Do you mean Lukla (VNLK) airport?

Lukla Nepal.

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Short re-position flight from EHAM to EBBR. The moon gave company all along :slight_smile:



Midnight sun in northern Sweden


Haven’t booted up the Sim today, but…I did finally get around to seeing Top Gun: Maverick.

What an absolutely stunning film!

Everything about it was just perfect, the acting, flying, especially the music. The track, “Darkstar”, is well, very fitting with what I think of when actually flying the Darkstar. (Also, RIP :pensive:)

And the fact that all of pilot actors were in REAL F-18s (not actually flying them, they were in the rear seat with a camera rig). Also, the SU-57 was completely CGI. Had me fooled. Might have to pick it once a decent one hits the Marketplace.

All in all, it really makes me appreciate the Sim more. The Maverick DLC just isn’t for “funsies”. If you’re aviation fan, you’re no doubt a fan Top Gun.

EDIT: “Maverick’d” around MCAS for a bit. Ironically, there were quite a few fellow Pilots in F-18s flying in pairs and a few lonely Tomcats.

I then decided to take the HJet out for a spin and somehow…wound up doing an actual IFR flight. Follow ATC instructions and all.

But, the HJet and I do not get along very well. It’s like cheating on the one you love (the TBM930) with the “new girl”. She looks good, but has an awful personality.


Flew from Trondeim to Bodo in the TBM. Sadly I left my finger on the reverser (button on my X56) a bit too long so it toggled on then off again, so when I applied power to slow down, the aircraft rotated, so I had to re-land. It was all a bit messy as was the weather in Bodo. Norway, feel free to send some of that rain south, we could use some!


Flying in Switzerland


I hope the physical problem is temporary. Meanwhile, maybe you could try mapping the brakes (rudder) to the keyboard ?

Yeah every now and then I’m stunned by just how good the sim looks on the xbox and these pics are a good example.

That is lovely, where abouts in Switzerland is that?

Helipad hopping - some old LA helipads that still work.