What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

I’ve got to check out Butaritari, I didn’t know that was Makin. It was assaulted at the same time as Tarawa. Those ground crew people must be ‘Beamed’ to wherever they’re needed.

Which mapping tool did you use?

Got a chance to fly today, which consisted of flying PDX-KSFO (Portland, OR- San Francisco)-via Alaska Airlines. Live weather experienced some gusts but mainly sunny with some clouds.

Apologies for the instruments in the photo. I was testing what key I want to use for screenshots and did get a photo in camera mode

*somewhere above Oregon or California crusing at 38,000ft

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Tokyo patrol and sightseeing: Narita needs development of its helipads, Drzewiecki Design.

Tokyo Disneyland (from a nice free scenery maker)
The Sumo Basho looks great, as does Akasaka

Mikasa Battleship needs work, but it’s the right shape, just like Studio Ghibli Museum
Finally, a creator just published a good version of the Tokyo Heliport. Wonder if anyone will do the same for the London Heliport. Problem is he did not know how to exclude planes as did the creator of the Paris Heliport scenery - In the Paris scenery, when you set up there, all the other pads fill up with duplicates of your helicopter so the place is full of helicopters.


I started my day with a flight from Lyon to Paris, France. Cesna 172 was my pleasure today.
The flight was absolutely amazing with the last WU, so much pleasure flying over beautiful landscapes.
And then it crashed upon flying aboveParis.
As usual. No surprise there.
Now I’m gonna try and take-off from Paris to London, in the same aircraft. I mean… if the sim lets me.

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i flew over Tallinn airport (EETN).

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Completed my World Tour in the Bonanza G36. 44670nm in 50 days elapsed time, stopping at 143 airports on the way. Distance is as the crow flies, not the actual flight distance, as I wandered around a bit on some legs to stay VFR

It started as a trip to Tasmania (from Caernarvon, UK) but I came back the other way, along Japan, Russia, Alaska and then down and up the North/South American coast, before hopping over to Greenland and then home (via Iceland).

Some scary moments along the way but I managed to avoid crashing, even when iced up over the Aleutian Islands. I used the G36 mod as well as the G1000 mod and can heartily recommend them.

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I crashed the C152 into a mountain :frowning:


Flying down to Cairo from Italy in the A320. Nice scenery.


From my Air Journey World Tour Leg 9 Dubai, UAE to Jaipur, India

Leg 9 Interlude - A brief tour of India: The Taj Mahal, Lotus Temple and Dhamek Stupa


I’ve flown RW (military) for 23 years and never made it down to South America. Fast forward to MSFS and the TBM 930 with Reverb G2 VR and decided to check out our neighbors to the south of the US. All of the legs are under 2.5 hours and well within TBM wheel house.

Thus far: Tampa to Nassau Bahamas; Nassau to Cancun (overflying Northern coast of Cuba); Cancun to San Salvador, El Salvador; next, Costa Rica and Panama City near the Panama Canal; Bogota Columbia; Lima Peru; La Paz Bolivia. Next, Santiago (a bit longer at 3 hrs) then Punta Arenas at the southern tip(ish) of South America. Planning for a return via Buenos Aires and Brazilian rainforest over the Amazon River basin.

Incredible scenery, crazy weather swings, and challenging approaches. For example, the approach into La Paz (which is over 13000’msl elevation) and routes in over Lake Titicaca (highest navigable freshwater lake in the world). Flying the approach in the TBM requires 100% torque to maintain 85kts KIAS with full flaps, puts the ITT right on the edge, and with weight on wheels, when pressurization dumps, the oxygen mask light comes on.

Crazy fun and interesting. You get a true sense of how desolate and isolated much of the world is.


I did a bit of flying in game around Venezuela, lots of scenic mountains and little towns.

On approach to KBOS RW4R ILS

Passing the famous Rainbow Swash Painted Fuel Tank off I-95 and UMass Boston campus, with Telegraph Hill District and downtown Boston in the far distance.


Flew 109 Miles in 28 minutes from the outer skerries EG78 to Kirkwall EGPA in the Got Gravel Virtigo.


This time, I used SkyDemon.

It’s not free, but I think on windows you can use the free trial version to plan a flight. If you are interested in the airspaces etc …

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Channel Islands up the French coast then across to London City before a quick hop over to Heathrow. This plane’s growing on me flight by flight


A long-range hop across New England, past Nova Scotia and arriving at a French-owned island off the coast of Newfoundland.

The City of Providence out of the PIC window

Passing KBOS and turning out into the Gulf of Maine

Checkpoint Halifax,halfway up Nova Scotia

The tiny port settlement of St. Pierre, a French Overseas Collectivity of the west side of Newfoundland Canada


Finished (finally) my round Europe by prop adventure.
Now on to the next grand adventure (whatever that might be!).


Well I didn’t play multiplayer, since that’s hopelessly broken.

Added vertical take-off to Boba Fett today - https://flightsimsquadron.com/2021/04/21/boba-fett-gets-vertical-take-off/