Cleveland (KCLE) to New York JFK (KJFK) in the HondaJet
I made a really stupid mistake while prepping the plane to the flight: I forgot to add the route part to the flight plan. It was just departure and arrival with nothing in between. So When the controller gave me a direct to instruction i could not find it in the flight plan. That’s when I realised my error Luckily it can be quickly done in the G3000, so nothing major happened, but I was so ashamed…
Arrival was pretty fun. Originally I planned to land on 31L (according to ATIS 31L and 31R were in use) which leads pretty much to the GA apron, but then there was a direction change and I was told to expect 4R instead. I did a kind of hard landing and then I had about 15 mins of taxi to get to the GA parking, which the tower referred as Modern Aviation. I looked it up later and there is such a company FBO at the location that the chart refers as GA parking, but I had not known it at the time.
See for yourself here (in about 6 hours):