What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Quick test run on AAU2, Cessna 172 from KDLS (The Dalles / Columbia Gorge Regional) on the Columbia River up to Mt Hood. This was mostly to confirm stuff still worked for VFR flight, so just climbing up towards the mountain, fiddling a little with the autopilot and on manual.

I forgot to change my pilot avatars back to civvies from jet pilots earlier :wink:

Mt Hood partway through the journey… pretty straightforward, just climbing at Vy until I reach the peak :smiley:

If you look closely you can see the green/yellow/red blob of the mountain peak on the PFD’s mini-map, which is showing relative terrain. :smiley:

Didn’t have time to turn around back to a proper landing strip so just did some silly bad maneuvers around the mountain peak until I smashed into something :wink: Close-up the mountain is a little uggy looking, hopefully MSFS2024 will fix that. :smiley: