What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

I did my first cross-country in Sting S4: NZRO :airplane: NZAP
It was not direct. At first I flew around Rotorua lake, then Ohaaki power station, and then Taupo, destination.
Sting S4 is really fun to fly. Compared to C172 I love the view from the cockpit. And it’s really light. It takes off almost by itself, climbs so easy, and takes off and lands on really short distance. The only problem is it is more sensitive to wind. At Taupo I had to change runway from 17 to 28, because 28 had strong crosswind.

It will be hard to decide, which plane to use for next bush-trip.

I guess, flying so close to powerplant, I would get check by air force.