What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

After the morning flight in the Duke, I swapped into the Fenix A320 for the afternoon and took a flight from Poretta to Venice with the intention of deliberately going around and flying the missed approach after watching some tutorials.

The first attempt was a little messy, as I accidently dropped out the FD and the aircraft reverted to a HDG/VS climb after hitting TOGA, so after linking the missed approach track back to the beginning of the ILS for 04R, I made a second low level go around with the FMA’s showing MAN TOGA SRS NAV, and the aircraft seamlessly followed the FMS guidance.

There was some pretty inclement weather making its way towards Venice, so I put the aircraft down on the runway after the third approach, not long after a master caution for low fuel had popped up. Great fun to be able to do this after a few years flying the FBW and not being able to sequence the missed approach!