Sweet pics! I want to see the gizmo!!!
I watched this video…
And then I tried some engine off full down autorotations in the Cabri. I flicked the fuel switch off and then quickly found anywhere suitable to land.
I got it on my 3rd go which means it was easier than I was expecting, having never tried it before. I did a few more and then decided I’m better at this than powered landings, so maybe in future I’ll always kill the fuel before landing the Cabri.
Congrats! Don’t stop. There’s a massive planet out there to explore.
With the wind and such, the instruments were going haywire and fluctuating between 130 and 170 knots. It was hard to keep things under control.
Took the Osprey for a quick cultural spin.
Wanted to see the famous INOP sculpure from Saptain Cim once more.
Started a round Australia tour in this beast
TL-Ultralight Sting S4… gonnnnna be sloooowwww
Started YORB Orbost
First Leg to AU36, Coongulla cos, what a name
Was originally going for a round the world tour… but once I started planning I realised it would take me about 3 years to complete (with work commitments I can probably fly 1-2 times per week)
So Round Australia it is!!
Failed to land the Jenny again, but I think I’m improving. Looks like a wingstrike this time.
Nice. I did around Australia trip 2 years ago in C172. That was before World Update Australia. It was beautiful. It must be even better now.
Also I found this website with charts for Australia: Aeronautical Information Package - Airservices
Yes, definitely there is. And still not even halfway through my trip around Pacific in DC-3. But taking break, because I am away from my hardware. So today the closest I get to MSFS is this forum, like most of this month.
But yes, it was magical exploring world in 1000 hours. Some examples: some built-in MSFS bush trips, trip around Australia, USA, Silk Road with Speedy, followed James May - Our man in Japan and Italy. Mostly in C172.
Split Kastela (LDSP) to Kosice (LZKZ) in the HondaJet:
There were suprisingly some vatsim controllers online during the afternoon on my day off, so I decided on this slightly longer route than usual. The flight was quite pleasant, there was a bit of traffic both on departure and there even was someone simulating an emergency at arrival. Sadly my landing wasn’t very good, this time I was so focused on the centerline, that I flared too high and bounced.
Full video later here:
As an experimental feature I sped up the cruising part 10x to shorten the video, which saves about half an hour. I’m not sure if I’ll continue doing that, my CPU was running at almost 100C for hours while working on the video.
I flew flightsim.to’s T-37 Tweet from Vance AFB up to Dogface for touch and go, then back down past Enid down to OKC.
First full flight around lower Chubu region. Nagoya, Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Chubu Centrair. Landings still need work.
Austria: Lienz/Nikolsdorf to Feldkirchen (LOKL–LOKF). Cruising at 7500 ft. The route through the valleys was not an option because of glider areas up to 6000 ft. We were following the lakes Weißensee and Ossiacher See, passing over the town of Villach.
Having some fun with Mudry CAP-10 over Kuala Lumpur. It was a difficult take-off (my chair was too near the pedals), but I had a lot of fun around and between the twin Petronas Towers.
First sight.
I’ll be watching you.
Admiring Kuala Lumpur as a pendulum.
Almost a perfect hammerhead.
Upside down between the twin towers.
Flight Path.
Leg 5 of my around the world trip. Today I arrived in Makkovik (CYFT). A bright sunny day, but a nasty crosswind made the landing interesting. Still, I got down safe and sound. The runway at Makkovik (Makkovik, NL, Canada (CYFT) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS) is nice and wide.
Now I just need to wait for favorable winds (it will be stretching the Goose’s fuel supply to the limit), then I’ll be taking off for Greenland.
After having fun at Kuala Lumpur, time for a different place: the steep Bugalaga (WX35) airstrip, only take-off and landing. It was a busy day there!
Too busy!
Too big!
Continuing my round Australia adventure.
Overflying the Twelve Apostles
Then the Bay of Islands
Hopefully more flying today if work permits
Finally picked up the Top Gun pack to play with the Darkstar.
Got up to M3.79 on the turbines following the roller-coaster procedure (familiar from the F-104 Starfighter which needs a gravity assist to break M2.0) but I think I forgot to turn on the fuel pumps or something and the scramjets wouldn’t start.
I’ll look up tutorials and try again later… fun so far!